Tuesday, August 3, 2021

More COVID and Variant "Delta" BS...as in Bullshit!

 Google, Fakebook, the Twits on Twitter, have lock stepped in line with Demented Joe, the far left, and Mainstream Media, in pushing the so called "Delta" Variant mutation of the common flu like Virus know as COVID 19...

It's all Bullshit folks.  First off, yes I am a retired Biology/Environmental Health Guy...do I know it all?  Hardly, but more so than most.  The media doesn't want you to know any real facts, other than the garbage they push your way, everyday 24/7, yes this includes the darling of the Conservatives, Fox News.

The China Virus or whatever you want to call this lab in Wuhan produced "virus" is real, but not nearly as deadly as the scare and fear mongers in DC and the Press would have you believe.  Hell my now 97 year old mother got the gawd damn stuff while in assisted living or as it should be renamed "Assisted Dying?,  last year...thankfully she is out and living in south Florida with youngest sister and doing fine...

The 600,000 plus they are saying died "from COVID" is a lie...perhaps 600,000 have died "with" COVID, but even that is questionable...and the new "Wildly Spreading" Delta is no worse on people than the damn Common Cold...

If you don't realize this is a con job by now, you probably never will...and the "Poison Jabs" they are asking you to receive, is even a bigger lie...Don't Buy It, and if you have already received the first or even 2nd Jab, don't get another, or for Gawd's Sake, don't receive a Boosters.  Fear is a terrible thing, being sucker enough to believe this contrived Bullshit, is worse.

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