Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Looking Back at 2023...

No long look back
 at the year 2023 as it comes to a close...the few posts I have made thus far this year pretty much tells it ...

No major vacation for me and the wife this year, she spent about 2 weeks with her remaining family in SE Wisconsin this Summer, I took the oldest Grandson down to Space Camp in Alabama in July, then headed to Cedar Key, Florida, before the September Hurricane hit...got a bit of fishing in, some beer drinking, cigar smoking, and a larger part spent doing some Florida outdoor photography. I just couldn't see putting the old Schnauzer Mix Rescue Dog, Cam, in the kennel...he is now 16 and I won't mess with his life end times by sticking him in a kennel, while he can no longer see and is getting old...he eats fine and is aware so he is good to go for the duration.

No major Dual Sport Motorcycle adventure rides again this year, and my riding buddy Nick and I decided to sell the Yamaha TW200s, but after nobody seemed to want to travel to our area to look them over, we are likely to pull them off the market...Hell old or not, we can still ride, and probably will in 2024...

As I posted last week, I did make a somewhat crazy decision to buy another Airedale Terrier Pup...as of today "Millie" is 9 weeks and 2 days old and already 18 pounds and headed towards 70 plus likely...she is about 95% house trained, but still does chew with those puppy choppers...the entire family was here for Christmas Eve and the 2 older grandsons, 12 and 9 got some quality time with Millie...

Top Photo: Millie this morning, taking a nap and back in 2015 Me, Old Blue, Fred and Nick at Canyonlands outside of Moab, Utah...

What will 2024 bring?  

No Idea...as fucked up as that Demented Son of a Bitch is, who knows?  World War III, Martial Law, Civil War against the Leftist Bastards, I have little clue...hopefully the Bastards and his Marxist Administration will be the Hell out of office by January 2025, and the gawd damn borders will be closed. Perhaps we will get lucky and Jesus will return soon...but I think more pain and blood letting will happen before that comes about.

I plan on enjoying what time I have left on this Earth {turn 75 in March}...and sure the Hell don't worry about what may come personally...I worry for the younger family members and friend's kids and grandkids, but as for myself...?  F' It...I have lived on Hell of a life and if it ends tomorrow I'm good.

Top 9 year old Kam and Millie, and his older brother 12 year old Kasyn with the pup...

Back Later, probably 2024, if all goes well>>>


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