The plan is, is to get at least a post a month here for here we are in later February so let's do it...
It has been, for the most part, a snow free and mild winter..."Man Made Global Warming"? Bullshit...just nature doing what it does, going through a cycle of change...and turning 75 next month, I'm damn glad to see the warmer winter weather...and hopefully Spring, as they predict, is warmer than normal as well...
Millie, the new Airedale pup, is growing way fast...on her 3rd and last for now, visit to the Vets, for here final set of pup shots, she weighed in at just over 40 pounds...and she is just turning 4 months old this week...even for the Oorang/Ohio Strain, that is a big girl...100 pounds? I hope not, but if it happens, we will adapt.
Only a few solid plans for the spring...watching the middle grandson during his 9u travel baseball season from March thru early July down in Dayton, another Vietnam Security Police get together in April at WPAFB and the Air Farce Museum in Dayton...and {maybe} some fishing in...
I will, God willing, turn 75 on March 16th...does that bother me? Not really, given the track record of the surname men in my family, I will be only the 2nd one that has reached 75 years Uncle John made it to 75 and a couple months, but he had 3 heart attacks and some other later year health issues before he passed. As for me, despite the Agent Orange related Diabetes 2 and related Neuropathy, I am pretty healthy. On a few drugs from the Columbus VA, but all in all, I still ride the Dual Sport Motorcycle on occasion and get out and about ... we will see how that works out as time moves on...
OK there is my short February post...back in March, if not sooner>>>>
you still lookin to get your ass beat old man
Or is it Butthurt, Butthead, or just But out...?
Anytime you think you're up to it, Shit for Brains, look me up, you won't because you're a garden variety Leftist Coward...
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