Thursday, December 1, 2016

Now That the Election is Over.....

Sure there is still the Electoral College, and that moron, Jill the Fake Hebrew Stein,  working with the Nazi George Soros and his money to undermine the Election Results....but for the most part, we sit and wait to see how much damage the Kenyan Queen can do in his last 7 weeks in office...but for all intense purposes, Trump is putting together his post election team, and we will see if he can put his supporters at ease and deliver on his promise to "Make America Great Again".  I,  of course, have my doubts...but then again, I was a Ted Cruz supporter from the get-go, and although I am happy that Trump won....I am not a TrumpBot in Good Standing, by any means...time will tell if he can change the Polluted States of America that the Far and Near Left have created....

This morning on facebook{of all places} I got into a conversation about a vehicle accident we had nearly 50 years ago in Lima, Ohio, with my late brother Mike's 1964 Dodge...

....Bob Jones and PRH back in 1968

Mike was stationed in Thailand in the Air Force at the time, and let me use his Dodge for the year he was to be gone....and I did use and abuse it...being the 18 year old I was....with no sense or no sense of responsibility.  I rolled the vehicle on July 4, 1967, outside Bowling Green, Ohio, on an ill thought out trip to the Amusement Park, Cedar Point...spent the summer paying off the damage money, I had borrowed from mom...some $500. 

Late in the Summer my next door neighbor Bob Jones,  one of a handful of Childhood Best Friends I had, headed Lima to shop...what the Hell for?  I have no idea...this was nearly 50 years ago remember...we were just out of High School and less than a year from getting drafted[we both choose to join the military the next Summer of 68...him in the Navy, me the Air Force}. 

Driving down Cable Road, at a normal plus rate of speed, probably a bit fast but nothing overly so, I crossed a intersection in the
{Here is a 64 Dodge much like Brother Mikes}Dodge when some elderly lady{probably about my age now} pulled her Buick Special in front of the Dodge, and she and her Buick received the worst of it.<64 brother="" dodge="" font="" like="" mike="" much="" s="">

The Dodge, with the exception of a small dent on the driver side headlight ring had zero damage...the Buick was towed from the scene.  The lady tried to convince the cop that "He was driving to fast"....the officer responded...."The skid marks stay different, besides, you pulled out in front of him"

The story, not so remarkable...the wreck near Bowling Green, much more so....but I put out this information only to inform you that, some people have more than remarkable memories....

Bob Jones, 6 months my senior, must be one....he remember the car make and color, the women was driving, and the rest of the details....I had remembered the story, and had told my 92 year old mom the same story{without the clear details} that Bob wrote this morning, when Patricia and I took her to the Eye Doctor in Lima last week....and we passed the exact location...

The other point of this being....with winter fast approaching, basketball season officiating in full mode, and Dual Sport Motorcycle riding done for the year{likely until next March} I've tweaked the Blog and will do some more so, and hopefully will get back to posting on a {a least] Semi Regular's been awhile, and frankly, despite the Holidays coming up, and time with Family, especially the Grandsons, on the way....I need to keep my mind much more active that it has been.....

So, here we go!

back later>>>


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