Tuesday, March 14, 2017

As You Can See....

I still have not really gotten off my ass and posted much on this soon to be 10 year old blog of late....this will only be the 3rd posting of 2017.

Lots of reasons....

{1} Blogging has taken a lot of hits lately and basically much of them has been replaced by social media commenting on Twitter and Facebook. I use both, especially Facebook,  where I have 300+ plus followers and well over 1000 "Friends"...I was near 2500 but scrubbed the site of those that I really didn't know or non family members who are hard core Liberals...who needs them?  If I wanted to listen to Left Wing BS, I'd tune into MSNBC or watch that faggot Steven Colbert with his massive audience of far left insomniacs, which likely reaches into the high hundreds of viewers....

{2}  I pretty much laid out my past life events, in and out of the Military/Vietnam,  in the 1500 posts I put out the first 6 or 7 years of this blog...you can always go back into my files and history of posts and read those.

{3} The reason I'm posting today?  Baseball umpiring season is set to begin Thursday with a High School Varsity game a few miles south of here....but with snow on the ground, and wind chills at single digits, those early scrimmage and games may be cancelled....it would not be the first time..

So, I am still trying to figure out what to do with this blog....Hell yes I will keep it, maybe someday the  grandsons will want a first hand idea of what Grand Pa did in his early life, I would certainly have liked to have a history of the Ancestors who died before I was old enough to know them, or before I was even born....my Genealogy Research is a excellent source, but hardly like knowing those folks first hand...

For now, I plan on making this like a daily diary from here on out....I did that on paper for about a dozen years beginning in 1991 until I retired at 53 years old in 2002, so perhaps I can pick that up again....so Here We Go!

Tuesday March 14, 2017

Here I am 2 days away from turning 68...frankly I figured out early that if I made it to the new century in 2000 and 50 years old at that point {turned 51 on 3/16/00} I would be a typical Houseworth...most of the Houseworth men don't make it out of their 50s or if they do, they have major health issues getting to that point.  Of the 4 Houseworth Male First Cousins, my brother Mike died last May at 69, 7 months before his 70th birthday, and cousin Gary, who was born a week after Mike, died just before his 62nd BD back in 2008 in our old hometown of Venice, Florida. The fourth, Forest Jr, is in his 50s but I don't have much information on him or his location.  So, turning 68 and being{I think} in excellent health for my age, I consider myself Lucky...and if I pass on anytime soon, I will consider it as, well, as being ahead of the Houseworth Curve.

Snow .... Not so much!

Despite the dire predictions, we here in West Central Ohio receive only about an inch of "White Death"....the cold and winds did come, but without much snow to blow around, I don't consider it much different than most Mid March years I have seen in this part of the world....and considering the warm last half of January and most of February that we had....PRH isn't complaining to much.


Well we will see if I kick the season off Thursday {Scrimmage at St Henry} or not....high predicted in the lower 40s, and worse for the schedule Friday and Saturday...we are usually lucky to get a game or two in before the regular season starts....then you are happy to get 60% or so in before Tournaments begin around May 10th....so Spring gives you sunshine and some warm weather, but most are cold, windy, and with plenty of rain and a snow day or two....that is Ohio, and no Bullshit Man Made Global Warming predictions have ever changed that fact.

So, here we go....we will see what shakes out with the Blogs New Direction.

Back Later>>>>

Photos-PRH in 1977 2014, and Last Spring Baseball Season 2016

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