Monday, January 10, 2022

Welcome 2022...And the Workfree Me...


Hard to believe that it was nearly 15 years ago, July 2007, that I started this Blog...the first few years I was posting over 200 stories and comment pages each year, the past decade things have slowed way down...but I check on this puppy at least once a week, and if I feel the need to get something off my chest, or to post new adventure photos, I can still do that on occasion.

As I approach 73 in March, things over those 15 years have changed me and the world...long time retired from full time work {retired at 53 from the Van Wert County Health Department in the Summer of 2002}. I decided to end all "jobs" for pay on January 1st...the security company I was working part time for, and making enough for vacations, motorcycle adventures, cigars, and good craft beers, decided to "Go Full Biden/COVID Bullshit" and require that everybody employed be "Jabbed" or Tested Weekly if refusing to get I told them to "Stick It"  While the extra few thousand a year {I made $13,500 in 2021} was nice for what I needed, I really don't need the money, and sure the Hell won't go along with that Demented Fool in the White House or "Adolph Fauci" on their Masking and a Retired Biology Guy, it's Bullshit and the recent upswing in the "Vaccinated" getting COVID is proving my point...despite what Twitter, Fakebook, the Lame Stream Media, and Left, might tell you...

So 2022 it appears will see me in Full Time Retirment, giving me more time to ride, fish, some good Cigars, and enjoy some backyard Beers...and perhaps,

maybe, to come up with some old stories from my past, that I have long ago forgotten or neglected on purpose...

So: "Let's Go Brandon" FULL STEAM into 2022

back later>>>>

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2024 Winds Down

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