Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rope, Noose, Tree....

Humid weather, with plenty of rain around the area...somehow Jim and I got our game in at Spencerville last night, the field was sticky wet, but the Varsity Spring Coaches father does a great job taking care of the field and we got it done.  Today, weather permitting, I run over to Convoy for a 3pm start, then back to Celina for a 6:30 game....a single American Legion game at Lima tomorrow night, then ACME Tournament Double Headers on both Saturday and Sunday, at Lima Central Catholic and Convoy respectively...of course the weather could have something to say about that.  The week of the 4th of July is busy, and I have games everyday, except the Holiday, before the baseball season begins to wind down...and I will be happy for the month or so break.  I still have plenty of house chores to complete before fall sets in...Fall?  I'm not sure I am ready to see that come into play......

Rope, Noose, Tree....?

The reason for the headline?  Just because...just because looking at the major "headlines" in the news of the world, I'm thinking we might just be better off going back to old fashion "Justice":

Here we have an illegal outlaw President taking the first beast and kids on another $100 million vacation back to the homeland, Africa, on the backs of the American Taxpayer...

We have same, doing nothing with Snowden the NSA Hacker....because?  Well frankly Obammy is afraid of old Rubber Pants Putin of Russia....

Queer Marriage...the US Supreme Court, now having given it's blessings to fags and dyke's getting hitched on eligible for Federal Bennies, on, once again, the backs of the Taxpayers might next say Abdul can marry his Pet Goat, and Joe Dirt his Redbone Coon Hound...or perhaps take a cue for the Mormons and allow LeRoy the Pimp to marry all of his hookers so he can keep them in line, and eligible for Obama Care?

Aaron Hernandez....a punk from the get go, now in jail, charged with murdering his buddy, because he didn't like the people he was hanging with.   Oh, he's guilty all right, the video doesn't lie....Rope, Noose, Tree, and let's save the Taxpayers some money.

Or how about the slimy state Senator in Texas, who stood on her feet for 13 hours so she could "filibuster" Life.  Thus allowing the continued murder in the womb of thousands of babies, for the fake issue of "Women's Health"...this bitch and those that think like her are no better than John Wayne Gacy, who delighted in murdering the young....they are in a word "Ghouls" ...a very Special place in Hell awaits her and them.

And then there is the George Zimmerman trial in Florida, for killing the punk known as
Treyvon Martin in self defense....or the Paula Deen "racist" rants....really, is any of this BS worth our time?

Meanwhile the real problems of America, and the Republics destruction at the hands of Obama go unreported...the IRS Scandals, The murder of 4 Americans in Libya at he hands of the friends of Obama and Hillary, etc, etc, go unreported by most of the press....the open border mess, as Anti American Democrats and their Moderate RINO brethren, go about dismantling America as we know it, and the vast majority of Americas sit on their collective asses and stew or ignore.

Yep, today would be a great day to just sting a few of these bastards up.....starting with you-know-who  Rope, Noose, Tree.....

Photos-Umpire work will have completed 3 months this week...a couple of weeks to go, and it will be done until next March...cant' say I'm saddened.  The Queers have it...look at these Manly Men celebrating the downfall of the Republc...and sweet little Treyvon Martin...he was a punk and died like a punk...good riddence!

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