Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dayton/Vietnam Mini Reunion and Out and About with the K~Man

Yesterday was sunny and finally getting temperatures near normal...those will last through the weekend, before another cool down{why the Hell can't we have a "Warm Up" in the near future...let's say, BEFORE JULY!!!?} hits the Midwest next week.

Got a second game of the week in last night, at Shawnee in Lima, and tonight, if the predicted showers hold off, I head east to Ada{home of the NFL Football Factory and Ohio Northern U} and work a NWC League game between Ada and their down the road rival, Allen East....will work the bases for the first time this week....

Grandson Kasyn was here yesterday and his mom was working in Wapak, Patricia had a planned school delay, so we drove over and picked him up...and he spent the next 5 hours with me....either watching sing along song videos on the computer, chasing the Gray Cat outside, or wearing my Snowmobile Helmet and wanting to climb aboard the new Yamaha....

We will be in Centerville this Sunday and Hal and Lisa celebrate his 30th Birthday with friends, and we will take care of the K~Man....

Before that however, Patricia and I will be spending the weekend, beginning tomorrow afternoon, at the Hope Hotel, Wright-Patterson AFB, and the AF Museum, hosting the Annual Vietnam/Thailand Sky Cop Mini Reunion....this all began back in 2007 when 5 of us, along with my oldest son Sam gathered on a cold February day and sat for a couple of hours BSing and drinking has blossomed into 50 to 60 of us getting together every Spring{used to be January then March} to tell more BS and "War Stories"...drink beer, have a dinner, and tour the Air Force Museum....

We have never had a bad time there, and I expect this weekend{with the weather looking good} to be no different.

Speaking of Birthdays....Gotta wish not only son Hal a Happy 30th{that was the only one that bothered me....thought I was getting, little did I know}m and my mom a great 90th, as she celebrates this Sunday and youngest sister's house in Naples, Florida....yes, Hal was born on Mom's 60th Birthday....where did the time go?

Back later with details of the weekend:

Photos~Kasyn Loved the New Yamaha "T~Dub", as well as the Helmet, he wore it most of the time he was here....and coming up this weekend...The Dayton/Vietnam Sky Cop "Mini" Reunion....bottom photo is from a frigid January 31, 2008....thus why we keep moving it closer to was 8 degrees that day with a chill factor well below zero...this weekend 60s and 70s with sunshine!

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