Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Personal Undeniable Facts of Life

Undeniable Fact of Life Number 1 for PRH.....

If I wash the Nitro, it will rain or snow within hours....

Sunny and 42 yesterday, the Nitro was sitting in our pot holed stone driveway{thanks to the 18 wheelers making half assed turnarounds in it} nice day to clean the mud and grime off the Dodge ...right?  So I headed to Westwood Car Wash before I picked up the cat after her trim...and with the coupon, I got the $5 wash...much easier and probably cheaper than doing it myself.  The SUV was looking good...of course I failed to check out the forecast before hand, which said 100% chance of rain by Tuesday{that would be today} with a shot of freezing rain to kick things off early....so much for that, I might have just as well set the $5 bill on fire, much like that bastard child President of ours is doing to billions of Obama Dollars.

Anyway, watching the ice turn back to rain may be my excitement for today....such a sheltered life I live these days...

Oldest son Sam is in the middle of his second week in Salt Lake City, as his company is opening a new warehouse in that Utah city....him and his boss are working the inventory analysis for the new place, and he will return to the Chicago area Friday, then make his way home over the weekend to pick up his baseball umpire gear and other odds and ends....he will transfer his baseball umpire license to Illinois this spring.  I'm not sure he will get much action in this year, but he did live in Illinois back in 2003 and contracted many games back then, so he is familiar with the workings of the IHSAA...despite a few setbacks, Sam seems to be settling into Illinois life without major problems.

On the other hand, with 10 days to go before our mini reunion of Vietnam and Thailand "Sky Cops" in the Dayton area, we are getting meal and other preparations finalized.  This "mini" reunion has been a little more "hands on" than the ones I have brokered before...not sure I am a fan of that.  I just like to sit around, eat, drink beer, and BS.....there will be plenty of that, but the added pains in the ass, do take some time and effort.  Let's be honest here, I am lazy, and like it that way...too much work or too much thinking is not to my liking.

On the not thinking level....it looks like plans are moving forward for a visit to Wind Lake in Minnesota's Boundary Waters in either mid June or mid July...with me, Nick, and Jim Olson.  We plan on a Canoe Outing to Moose Lake, then portage the 170 rods{a bit over a half mile} to Wind Lake where we hope to camp on the Island that Jim and I, along with a half dozen of his friends did, back in 1978...of course 35 years wiser and older may have advantages and of course the main disadvantage being a body that has been abused for much of those 35 years.

Jim is opting for June, while Nick and I are pushing for July....June is a bad month for me, due to baseball commitments, etc...but it will all come into place over the next weeks and months.  Meanwhile the baseball "banquet" is slated for tomorrow night in Van Wert....and my first scrimmage is exactly 3 weeks from today....time s moving swiftly along.

back later>>>>

photos-The Nitro, freshly washed sits in the ice and rain this morning...so much for spotless and clean.  The usually long haired 14 year old cat sleeping on the heat vent to keep warm in her new trimmed condition.  The "Sky Cop" get together is our next big thing....and photos from 1978 the Island and our camp site from that Summer trip, Nick, Jim, and I will try to re-create that this summer....older but no wiser it appears.

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