I am trying to figure out how to move forward on this blog, whether it be by posting everyday photos or some such. Looking back over the six years I have pretty well exhausted the exploits of my past life and politics and sports commentary have been moved over to facebook and to a lesser extent, Twitter...although frankly, those bore the Hell out of me at times as well...and I don't trust{especially facebook} the leadership and owners...not with the criminal Kenyan Bastard Obama in office and his trolling little Monkey, Eric Holder, in charge of "Justice". See last weekend's Zimmerman verdict, which the DOJ will no doubt try a double jeopardy play on. While that side show is going on, the real issues, Benghazi, the IRS, and other criminal activities of the Obama Administration go ignored or under reported by the Lame Stream Media.
Summer, the Midway Point......
A 7 on 7 passing tournament here in Celina will being my football work on July 26th, and then nearly a month off before the "real" football season begins on August 20th...no hurry for that to begin...I'm beat!
After rain and much cooler weather than last year, the Summer heat and humidity has began in the Midwest...90s all week with heat index in the 100 range, in the sun the humidity are something else. Yesterday we had Grandson Kasyn here, which it appears will be a welcome happening on Mondays for the rest of the Summer, with his mom opening up a new office in Wapak, and working there on that first day of the week, at least through September.
I'll continue to check back in with photos and a short line of BS as I get time....but don't expect much else until Summer cools into fall.
back later>>>>
Photos-The first of the Sunflowers has bloomed, despite last weeks major wind storm, most of my flowers have survived....and grandson Kasyn and I sat outback last week for a couple hours and rotated between the backsteps and his wading pool.
Pat, I have you beat, I haven't written a post on my blog in over a year. Today, I'm dusting off the cobwebs.
Beginning about 4 years ago, I was starting to experience 'burn-out'. After over a decade of constantly being on the Internet, I was just getting burned out...I began to realize that spending so much time on the Internet was taking a toll on me.
Over the past year, I've had a lot to deal with medically, you know about that...plus, working a lot of over-time. I decided to just stop whatever I was doing on the Net and give myself time to refresh, spend more time with my family.
I could tell that I was getting burned out by the type of posts that I was making - or more specifically - not making. And with no direction...no idea of where I wanted to go with my blog.
But, now that I've had time to stand back at look at it with a fresh view, I've decided that I'm going to let every post stand and continue on, just in a different direction. Sort of...
Don't be discouraged - blogs are not a thing of the past. I use to feel the same way - I felt like I was getting no where, that no one was listening, that I was basically writing to myself.
Blogs are still the top venue of personal expression - and they reach much farther than you or I [or anyone] may realize.
The issue with blogs is not so much the traffic [or views] but the responses. It is our responsibility to promote our blogs, get them 'out there'. Hopefully our readers will help us out!
We have to face it - we are old school, Pat. We grew up in an age where we actually 'read'. In today's high tech world, so many people are in such a hurry, they don't take time to read and consider/think [and possibly learn??] or debate. It's far too easy to get on Facebook with a one or two liner and move on to the next social network.
Several years ago I read that 40% of Internet users have an attention span of only a few minutes [est. 3 to 7 minutes].
Perhaps that is true to a certain degree, but I'm beginning to think [due to observation] that many people feel as if they are 'protected' on social networks, that their opinions and thoughts are private only to their family and friends. They have a false sense of security. These are the types of people who never post responses on blogs or who have had a previous bad experience by posting on blogs. They just prefer the 'proposed security' of social networks. Nothing could be farther from the truth - security from these websites are non-existent.
Recent headline news have just proven correct everything that 'we from the old school' have known all along. Nothing is secure on the Internet.
Sooner or later the public will begin to understand that social networks are not secure. I predict that bloggers will see a turn around on views and responses within the next year.
Keep on writing, you're doing a fine job.
Glad to see you and Patricia enjoying yourselves, life is so short, we should savor every moment...:)
Yep Deb, I know where you are coming from....seems I need a new direction as well, as far as the Internet and this Blog are concerned. About the only guy, still alive, that is posting everyday is Buck Pennington{out of the original group I shared blogs with} the rest have slowed down or given up....my "views" have dropped by 75% or so, and I really am not concerned about it.
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