Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Epilog=A Final Look at the Great Lakes TW200 Dual Sport Ride

Or is it Epilogue?   Seems like Tidal Wave now being called "Tsunami",  the Americanized Epilog is now the Euro Version....WTF?  I may be an educated person, but I am sick of this twisting of names to suit some BS from the elite media{most dumber than dirt}...anyway, back to the chore at hand:

Sunday August, 2015.....

After arriving back at Kurt and Peggy's Ranch early Saturday evening, Nick, and I, along with the host, dined on Chinese and Beers....and finally crashed late Saturday, up by 7, and a quick breakfast thanks to Miss Margaret, we headed out...Nick wanted to go the state highways, but I put my foot down, I was taking the back roads home, regardless.  I had seen enough damn traffic the past 7 days and was staying away from vehicles, other than the TWs the best I could.  We worked our way south and east, finally crossing the state line into Ohio just north of Antwerp...a few miles past the small berg of Payne on SR 49 and we rode the county roads the rest of the way...68 mile to my place, some 20 miles shorter than the trip the previous Sunday to Kurt's.

Looking back, there are some things that I had wanted to do more of and things I wanted to do less of....but considering the great weather, enough back road riding, and the comradery, I have no complaints at all.  Sure next time I would like more time and more back roads, more dirt, less pavement, and less State and Federal Highways{we didn't do much Federal or Interstate riding however}, but all in all, it was a satisfying experience for someone 66 years old who had just taken up the Motorcycle after some 27 years out of the saddle.

Kurt and Nick are planning another ride somewhere later this month...first it was east, now west, but I won't be along....full steam into Fall Football I will be and my riding will be close by for the next couple of months until cold weather arrives...then put the TW away until February.  This is not 1974-75 and I will not ride in the Ice and freezing rain like I did back when I was a crazy 25 year old....

The Next Adventure?  Perhaps the Everglades and Key West, back to Moab?  Not sure, but for now I will savor the two major rides this season....Moab, Utah, and the Upper Great Lakes:

back later>>>>

The Photos  today are a collection of my favorites from the trip:

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