Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Saluting" the Vietnam Security Police Association {Lack of} Leadership Part #2

The VSPA Bulletin Board had become a joke over the past 10 years or Dictator for Life Gattis along with Poss and Company pulled some arbitrary "rules" out of their collective asses, claiming that "politics" and real opinions were not allowed by "Federal Tax Law".  This of course is pure such law exists, it would be like telling your local pastor or priest that they could not condemn abortion or genocide.  Sure the PC and Left Wing Hacks in the local, state, and federal governments, would like to shut down freedom of opinions, but it just isn't so...despite their claims and efforts.

Of course while demanding that me, Sam Lewis, Co~Founder Terry Morris,  and others, shut our "Pie Holes", they gave free passes to the likes of VSPA Race Baiter and VP Hector Ramos, a smarmy little runt of a man, and gave the same benefits to his sidekick the association treasure, Richard Garcia...same for resident Christian Basher, Kenny DePussy, a gutless POS, living under his collection of rocks out in Washington State....nary a word to them.  But to guys that actually contribute to the VSPA, or the very people that founded it, John Langley, Morris, and others, we needed to keep our mouth's shut.

The BB really was never the issue, since Gattis and Poss decided to enforce their Bullshit Rules, the site has been dead as Hillary Clinton's's all about King Steve Gattis and the idiots that allowed him to become "President for Life" and rule the bank accounts and other comings and goings of the VSPA without input from the general membership.

The only way these overblown self important turds were going to shut me up, was to ban me and a few other trouble makers from speaking out...silly fools, my blogs and facebook pages have many more Veterans viewing them than the VSPA BS Board could ever think of...and much like Beau Rugg and his collection of Bean Counters and Left Wing suck ups at the Ohio High School Athletic Association {OHSAA}, they don't really think they can shut me up?  What power do they have, except to Bully and Browbeat those that refuse to stand up to them, or those that would rather "go along to get along" ...?

I've got news for the Gattis and Ruggs of the world...I stopped being bullied by the time I returned from Vietnam, making myself a promise over 45 years ago...I was going to be the "Anti~Bully", and whether in the Air Force, Bartending, Broadcasting, or my work in Environmental Health, and Sports Officiating...I would not be swayed by loud mouth coaches, bosses, or bullshit artists, like Dictator for Life Steve Gattis or some freaking coward of a Bean Counter like Beau Rugg, sitting in his Ivory Tower at the OHSAA  in Columbus...they can continue to run me and my like minded patriots off their "reservations", but the day they shut me up, will be the day they drop me 6 foot under ground...and just for spite, I plan on outliving every one of the Sons a Bitches and give them a wink and a "salute" on their way out...

Just to remind one, my bitch isn't with the vast majority of VSPA Members, and our Dayton Sky Cop Reunions tell...I get along with them, same goes for the majority of officials and umpires working under the thumb of the gripe is with the corrupt, and likely illegal power plays of both day, hopefully soon, "Karma" will bite the likes of Rugg and Gattis in their self promoting and self important asses....

No, I'm hardly bitter or angry, but I do admit to being a "Asshole" when it is called for...I might be Life Member #575 in honor of my old late NCOIC Phil Lange, but the "leadership" of the VSPA, especially the low count President, can kiss my Conservative Christian Back Side...

back later>>>

Photo-TSgt Phil Lange at our SPs "Bailey's Speakeasy" with Captain Bailey {center} and some wet behind the ears First Lt...forget his you can see, despite a few differences, me and Phil both enjoyed a Good Cigar...RIP are the only reason I became a life member of VSPA...


Garry Lee said...

Amen brother man. I will take your word for it because I don't know how either organization is run. I am a member of them just for the friendship and fellowship of my fellow comrades, you being a big part of that. Didn't know we had a director for life. If we do that defies everything I believe in as a very conservative member. That is like having a dictatorship. We need to end that situation immediately. I stand behind you 100%. What it really means is someone has turned it into a personal business instead of a member run and operated organization which would disqualify it for special tax exemptions if they are audited.

PRH said...

Exactly Garry...I've never had a problem with the membership, and guys like Cain, Bill Marshall, and Cowboy Jack, and a big part of our group at Dayton, however I cannot abide by the arbitrary and heavy handed way the Top Dogs are placed in power for life, and run the organization of brothers with an Iron Fist...I didn't take that crap well in the Air Force, and I'm not about to be silenced and "bullied" by a few Tin Horn Dictators...See you in April, God Willing. at Dayton.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...