Thursday, February 7, 2008

Changes in Attitude

With the Flood Warnings still in effect for the area, I could have wandered out to the lake again and see what was happening with the rising Beaver Creek.....but figured enough of that, what will happen will I decided to make myself ready for upcoming baseball first High School game is at Fort Recovery on March 31st....and as stated, my goal is to keep my back improving, lose about 15 pounds, and get my physic back to where I think a 59 year(come March 16th) needs to be.

So back to the weight room in the basement this morning....walked a mile, and started my semi-Weight Watchers Diet....this one allows you to continue to have a few beers(just exchange them for bread) a day if you choose...very important come baseball season, when after a game, you need(want) to down a few, with a good cigar. Last time I dropped 35 pounds in about 4 months....this time, since I did not gain all or even most of the pounds back, I only need to drop to about 195 (13 pounds) by the beginning of the season....which is 7 1/2 weeks away.

Today's walk was my first long one since the Epidural Injection...covered about a mile or so in 25 minutes, then after a quick break, walked the Fairground for another problems for the back so far....

I really enjoyed today's walks...the temperature is hovering around 30 degrees, with little wind, but a light wet snow is falling....really a brisk nice walk that makes you feel alive....will continue to walk, at least 5 days a week, and lift weights 3 or 4 times per as well.


With the departure of Mitt Romney in today's GOP race, pretty well seals it for John "Amnesty" my bitching for now is done. I don't like McCain, I won't vote for Obama or for the next several months, this blog will shut up about Presidential politics(all others are fair game) one little vote will be cast, but at this time I'm not sure whom it will be for.

{photos} walking through the County Fairgound early this afternoon, one shot in color, one septia}


FHB said...

Love hearing about your exercise program. Mine is all talk so far. And 195? Hell, that's just one of my legs. You're a rail. And I found a great bumper sticker on base the other day. I'll send it to ya.

Larry said...

Greetings, Pat. I just discovered your blog 40 minutes ago via GuyK [what a funny guy]. I'm originally from Delaware, Ohio [which you can read about HERE and HERE, if you care] -- and about your age, I believe [b 1949]. Been blogging since March 2006. I recall going to Indian Lake [the old amusement park -- still operating?] several times as a lad, but never made it to your area. I never served, but am on a Homeowners Association board with an USAF Viet Nam vet like you. As I told him, if you're looking for a comprehensive listing of military and veterans’ links, you may find THIS page useful. I'll be back to visit! -- Larry -- lefaren2002ATyahooDOTcom

PRH said...

FHB: I love to hit the old workout maching, and lift...but while the mind is willing, the body says "Take it slow" I'm back at it....but don't think I'll be benching 300 pounds like the old days.....but will do what I can to get back into my size 36 umpire pants before the season begins.

Larry: Thanks for stoping by...I visited your site...interesting and I be back often....Delaware, Ohio, is where my Great Grandparents lived until about 1850...and I get down there to visit my horse racing buddy every summer for "The Jug"

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...