Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Still Working out at 63...The Gun "Controversy" continues

First off, let me say "I'm not sure this post and it's layout makes any f&(_&**%$#)@ sense at all....Blogger or this computer at times is a piece of donkey dung, and today was one of those times...this is my fourth attempt to post, wife is probably mad at me as she went to the store when I wouldn't let her on to do something important...I just wanted to finish, and for some reason Blogger, or the Gawd Damn Computer kept screwing with has happened before, and now the entire first few paragraphs are be it, I will not go back for a fifth try...unless I drink a "fifth" or at least 4/5th a bottle of Drambuie!  So here it is missing the first few lines

The family was into guns, back when they were used to hunt and for family the battle of guns means so much more.  Speaking of grandad Waldron, the family still has a top break, single shot .12 gauge that works and fires as good as the day it was manufactured...I remember the first time I fired that one...knocked the Hell our of me, and at 16 years old I had a bruise on my right shoulder for days after...those times of the right to bear arms, without conditions, is long gone...Liberal trash in America has seen to that...they want nothing more than to suppress and destroy our right to protect ourselves...from them!

Top Right...Marvin Kunhs 1898 Iver Johnson 5 shot "Top Break" .38 which was on him when he met his maker in June 1907....bottom Van Wert County Sheriff Fred Hott's .38 Smith and Wesson Police Special which was used to dispatch Marvin on that date, from his worldly problems.  The poster was e-mailed to me today by my 88 year old mother, and gave me time to reflect on our family gun history and some of the guns we have and still are in possession of.

Meanwhile our fool-in-chief, Muslim Terrorist supporter Barack Obama has placed his plagiarising Vice Prez, simpleton Joe Biden in charge of a committee to look into ways these Anti American criminals can deeper limit Americans power to purchase guns step closer to the next Revolution or Civil War.  The power to destroy the Bill of Rights and our Constitution cannot be left in the hands of these tyrant wannabees.

In the meantime, like your valuables, you need to lock up your arms as best you can...because they will be coming after them...and YOU!

Still working 63

I headed down to the dark reaches of my basement this morning to do my usual 3 or 4 time a week weight lifting regiment....the old unfinished basement still has old newspapers in the ancient windows, at least the wood borders of, that tell of the date they were placed their beneath the ground.  I cut pieces off one our a few years back...the date "November 20, 1923"...89 years ago, the former church parsonage was completed in early 1924, and was used by various Pastors from the First Church of God until the church moved to the north and farther west part of town, and they sold the house around 1990...we purchased it in 1995.  The basement hasn't change much in those nearly 90 years since it was poured.

Despite not being finished I still use the basement several times a day...taking a least two showers down there in my "temporary" shower stall(which Patricia had put in for me and the boys back in 1995), I can't remember the last time I took one upstairs in the main bath(and I don't want to)...many years for sure.  We have the laundry down there, the deep freezer and I keep my sports officiating equipment, my clothes, the old family collectibles, and my weight room, both of them, down below as well.   The Weider Machine is stuck on the southwest corner, with the emergency food supply, and old TVs, Christmas lights, bulbs, etc...the "Body by Jake" Weight Bench is in the northwest corner by the furnace. 

Still not giving up the ghost, I work out when I can...of course there have been lapses in my workout and weight lifting regiments...bad backs, carotid artery surgery, just plain laziness at times...but for the most part, I try to do what I have been doing for over 20 years, that is to keep in somewhat good shape.  Of course when you drink as much beer as I have over the years, and eat like I did in years past, it's not always easy...but I try.  

I was a skinny 5' 9' 135 pound runt when I joined the Air Force in 1968, when I returned from Vietnam in July of 1970 I had grown to 5' 11" and about 170, and by the time I was finished with my Military time, I was at around 185, on the same frame...these days, 40 plus years later I probably have shrunk to 5' 10" maybe less, and weight in at 190 or so, depending on the season.  I have weighed in as much as 225 and been down to 180 or so over the last 15 years.  Over that time I have attempted to say on the weight training with free weights as much as possible...and despite a time or 3 of lapsing off the regiment, I have done so...but these days, as I approach 64 in a couple of months, I certainly don't toss up the weight I used do.  These days, 3 or 4 times a week, I usually spend 30 minutes in the dungeon-like confines of my basement, working 4 different series of rotating weights, usually 15 or 20 reps.  I am happy these days to throwing up 125 pounds=3 sets, with 20 reps, the other exercises I do are somewhere in the same range, depending on the type and how much I feel comfortable lifting.

Why?  Hell, I guess ego, and the desire to at least stay somewhat in shape for my 150-200 officiating gigs per year, and enough to allow me to stay in shape to down a few beers when I sure the Hell isn't because I want to kick somebodies ass whenever I want...see the first part of today's blog, If I feel threatened, I won't bother with "muscle power", I'll take the old fashion way....

I've been in a few fights in my life, let's face it, if you are a bartender long enough, especially at a pub or place that caters to young men, where young women also hang out, like the 1974 "Red Door", Celina, are going to get into scrapes, I've had my share in the past.  The Air Force and the few years following I had my share...never got whipped, not because I was the bad ass on the block, but because I was smart enough to know when to hold them and when to fold them...I was bullied way to much in junior high, and even into high school, by the time I had finished my Vietnam and Air Force tour, I had figured out how to win, or at least how to cover my ass...and I guess that's why I still try my best to stay in shape these days.  But as far as physical conflicts in my mid gotta be kidding?   See the first half of today's post.

No basketball tonight, back at it tomorrow at LCC for a Freshman boys game, then Spencerville on Friday, before taking the next week off for the Christmas break.

back later>>>>

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