Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rain, Rain, and more....Looking back at the Mushroom Hunt 2011

Rained all day yesterday and most of the night....was rained out of a league game at Delphos Jefferson yesterday....still, even with the crappy weather, I have managed to get 20 our of 26 regular season games in so far.  Tonight a WBL game combined with another ALS{Lou Gerig} Fund Raiser is slated for Elida at Lima Shawnee....with a 50% chance of rain by game time(6pm) and 90% later, I am not confident about getting this one in either...same for the rest of the week.  Rain and then much colder than normal for the rest of the week.

Mom returned from Florida along with brother Mike on Sunday....just in time to enjoy Ohio Spring Weather.....well maybe, not so much!

May beckons....and with it, another look back at the Mushroom Hunts from the past...this one from 2011 where I met face to face with a nasty looking snake near Boyne, Michigan:


back later:

Monday, April 28, 2014

New Computer finally in....

After Several Days of using the wife's Lap Top, our new one was installed...Don't ask me much about it, because I really don't have a clue...just know it's a hell of a lot faster and easier to deal with than the old antique.

Here is what it looks like:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Out of the Past..............

28 degrees this morning, telling us that the later days of April, do not mean the end of cold weather...

This week is the one week of Baseball Season where I do some extensive travel...after working Monday at Wayne Trace{Haviland} 35 miles each way on Monday, last night I drove to Hicksville, round trip 125 miles..tonight it is a short one, somewhat, 30 each way, then Thursday it 140 miles round trip to Edgerton, far north near the Indiana and not far from Michigan...Friday it's a Night Game at Kalida(50 miles each way} the historic stadium will see a ALS{Lou Gerig} Fundraiser, and I will finish the week out with a day long Triple Header back at Wayne Trace....good money, but lots of time and miles on the Nitro....    

Over the past year, this blog has been less active...frankly, although I still enjoy it, I had written on my life's journies for the first five years...since then, my political rants have been mostly seen on my facebook pages...and less so here.  You are welcome to stop by and 'friend me" if you are a Right Wing Political type....if not, you can stop by, but you won't likely enjoy what you read...anyway the plan here is to lace this blog with some of the stories/blogs past.

So here goes...with Mushroom Season in Michigan nearing up north, I have made that trek on several occasions with Rick Pearson, his sons, Clay and Guy, and Clint Thompson, on several occasions....one of the best was the one back in 2011, and I wrote about it back then:

Film Noir

Film Noir
Drambuie Nights

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Great Michigan Mushoom Hunt 2011

Got our game in at Delphos Jefferson yesterday, sunny and pleasant...only the 4th time I've worn a short sleeve shirt in over 30 games umpired this season. I did the plate(as usual) as Jefferson came from behind to defeat visiting Kenton 3-2. Tonight, if the rain/storms hold off, I will be over at Elida for a game between the Bulldogs and Paulding Panthers. Tomorrow afternoon off to Bellefontaine for a game before the Michigan trip....some make-up league games scheduled when I get back. No Regional or State game this year, marking the first time in the past 3 years I have not been involved past District level. That's OK...I just wish they would give some younger guys, who are worthy, some Regional and State games, instead of some of these recycled old farts my age...who can neither see or move well enough to work a high level. The politics has been old for years, and it just doesn't change...if being honest, causes me to get clipped out of future final weekend games, so be it. The truth is the truth, and the state powers that be, wonder why younger officials and umpires drop out or move onto college officiating?....it's called the "Good Ol' Boy" system, and it is stinks...being around a long time doesn't make you worthy or qualified to do a Regional or State Final. It shouldn't disqualify you either...if you keep yourself in good shape, and actually move around the diamond to get into position to make a correct call.... but enough of that rant!

Michigan Mushroom Hunting____

Thursday morning Rick, his sons, Clay and Guy, and our old college buddy Clint, take off for Michigan...Boyne City is the location, and the annual Mushroom hunt and Boyne City Mushroom Festival are on the agenda....we should return Sunday or Monday.....

I have missed the last two trips, because of District Baseball...this year I blocked out this weekend and days leading to it...plus we are leaving about a week or 10 days earlier...hopeful of some better luck. 2007 and 2008 were great, when we camped in Mesick, the past 2 years have been dry, and we have now moved the camp some 35 miles north. The weather looks wet, but seasonable for upper lower Michigan in mid-May....will have photos and details/results when I return. I also will finally get to meet my cousin Moe Houseworth in person, if all goes well...Moe, who I met through Genealogy Research, lives not far from Boyne City, and will be there for the weekend festival...so we plan on a little "family reunion"....

Yesterday, after our MRSI Board Meeting, I finally got out and planted a number of Sunflower and other seeds....with the wet weather and the cold, I held off, but the results, hopefully we equal the past two season...or perhaps be even better....time will tell.

Chores to take care of....one more blog post tomorrow before I head north...

back later>>>>

Photos-Michigan Morel Mushrooms...and Rick, Clint, and PRH, on our last hunt that all 3 of us attended, 2008 near Mesick...now being 30 pound less, maybe I can outrun the younger guys in finding the elusive Morels....maybe?


Ron Duckworth said...
You really know how to drive a guy
crazy. I would give up a left n-
- for a skillet full of those mushrooms. I havn't found any place they grow here in Wyoming. Too dam cold. I was raised in Maryland and hunted schroons until we took vacation in Asia, ha.
You know I would pay for overnight delivery for schroons. Take care. duckworthron@hotmail.com
PRH....... said...
Thanks for dropping by Ron...hey, we usually figure out by the time we pay for gas, beer, cigars, and assorted fun...it costs about $25 per Morel :0

But we still enjoy it!!

Turning 76 years old

 {Nha Trang AB Vietnam 1969 age 20} First male in my Surname Family to make it this far since my GGG Grandfather, all the way back at the da...