Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Spring From Hell Contiinues....and the Gas Keeps on Rising

They say when you have nothing to talk about, always talk about the weather to start the conversation....

Well it seems I have nothing much to say of late...because the weather has been in the forefront of my conversations.  The rains have been persistent and almost every overnight has been wet for the past 3 weeks, April was a disaster, and May is not starting out much better.  As predicted, my NWC game at Allen East was washed out last night...however after clearing my calender, I got a call from a umpiring buddy, Ron, from Lima...he was scheduled to work a game at nearby Coldwatet but had taken a foul ball off the throat/neck area in a college game over the weekend, and was in some pain.  He asked me to take his place, as Coldwater was still planning on playing their game.  So, I headed the 8 miles south and west, and worked the plate for the Cavs vs Waynesfield game...a steady light rain came down throughout most of the contest, but we finished up the 13 to1...4 1/2 inning run rule Coldwater win.  Soon after the game ended, the rains came down harder, and lasted throughout the night...causing the cancellation of tonight's WBL game at Van Wert vs St. Marys.  I doubt if any, or at least very few in this area, will get played tonight.

The rest of the week, as we head to the Saturday Sectional Tournament openers, looks iffy at best.  Tomorrow and Thursday look to be the best of a lousy lot....not only are the fields wet, there is little or no sunshine and/or wind to dry things out.  Regardless of  rain and make-up dates, I am heading for Michigan and the Boyne Mushroom Festival, on May 12th, with Rick and Sons, and whoever else is willing to make the trip.  I've missed the annual fun for the last 2 years because of District Tournaments...with no assignments past May 11th this year, I am heading out...and will reject anything offered over that five day span.

The Osama Aftermath?  The economy is still problem #1

While our Man-Child of a President gets the accolades and thumbs up from the adoring press(including Fox News) for bringing down Osama Bin Laden...the long term outlook remains unchanged.  Sure, as a country we are all giddy that this piece of crap is laying at the bottom of the sea as shark food...but we have much more pressing concerns.

As I drove to town this morning, I noted the fuel price for regular gas had risen to $4.19.9 a gallon.  It will continue to rise...and the question is, how long before the economy tanks in total?  The lying liars at the White House, in the media, and on Wall Street will continue to say we are in a "recovery"...we aren't!  They say there is no inflation, except for food and fuel...what do most average Americans spent their money on?  Good chance that most spend a good chunk of income on those items, along with the rising cost of utilities.   Make no mistake this economy is going to collapse....and Obama and Company are 100% responsible....forget blaming Bush, Big Oil, or Wall Street...the dirty laundry is right on the Kenyan's door step....at our White House, and the 53% of the gawd damn fools that put this piece of garbage in office, are to blame.

Obammy wants the economy to collapse, it's all part of his and his lemmings grand dream of a The Socialist States of America.  Those that think otherwise are blind to what is going on, or just plain stupid.   Gas in western Ohio is $4.20 a gallon...don't bet it won't be $5 by Memorial Day....and as it rises, the economy will continue to sink...Bank It!

So celebrate the death of the Islamic slug named Osama, but beware of his fellow Islamic evil doer, Obama....in the long run, he is far more dangerous....

back later>>>>

1 comment:

Deborah Wilson said...

It raining and thundering here in Georgia right now - luckily no flodding or anything in my area this spring. But it sure has been bad in other states.

The other day when I was in Marietta, the Chevron Station on South Marietta Pkwy across from the bus station was $4.15. A few miles down the road, at The Quicktrip, gas was still $3.79.

I bet it will be $5 by memorial day too - maybe $6 by Labor Day.

Obama got brownie points on getting Osama - but it could just as well happened when Bush was in office or when the next U.S. president is elected. It has never been about making a decision to take him out - but rather a matter of where he was.

Pakistan is in deep water with the American public.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...