When I headed to Mendon for our Dartball match last night, the combines were in the fields, trying to get the corn down and in the hoppers before this arrived, it they didn't get it done by this morning, it won't get done until December, if then.

Jefferson and JFK____
Liberals always love to invoke John Kennedy and Thomas Jefferson as heroes of the left...in doing so they take a blind eye to real history, but given the fact they are Liberals, it's in their DNA.
They claim Jefferson was an Atheist or a Deist. Nothing could be further from the truth in the former, as for the latter claim, Jefferson did show some leanings as a Deist, after family tragedy struck...however, any true and honest look at Thomas Jefferson, shows he was a man of faith, and in today's world a Conservative/Libertarian.....and we are not talking Ron Paul the assclown Libertarian. Check out these true Jefferson quotes, and there are many, do you see any "Liberal or Progressive" views? I think not:
Told you.....
JFK...the legacy 48 years later___
John Kennedy was shot down in Dallas 48 years ago today....meaning he has been dead longer than he was alive{46 years old}. The Kennedy family are the darlings of the American press and the American left{in the press case, one and the same}. However, peel off the press clippings and it becomes obvious than JFK's dad was a Nazi sympathiser, while all the Kennedy men had insatiable appetites for women by the dozens, if not more. In short, the Kennedy's are as dysfunctional as a family could be. Murder, Sexual assault, drunkenness, and anti Americanism....at it's lowest form.
As for war hero John Fitzgerald Kennedy, it turns out he really wasn't a Liberal at all...at least by today's definition of "Liberal or Progressive". Sure he had some liberal tendencies, but he was a pro life Catholic, a Conservative when it came to fighting Communism, and a free trader. Find me a Liberal that has those views today, and I'll show you a dead Liberal, like John F. Kennedy. Murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald 48 years ago today...no vast right wing or Cuban conspiracy, he was gunned down by a lone gunman with mental issues. Was Lyndon Johnson behind the murder? My mom and many others think so....and LBJ, one of the worst Presidents in history, right up there, or down there with Wilson, FDR, Carter, and Obammy, had reason to kill both John and Bobby Kennedy, however, I think not. It was Lee Harvey, all by himself.
So, if alive back then, where were you when Kennedy was gunned down?
I was walking into 9th grade Algebra Class at the old Celina Insurance Building on a cold rainy November, much like today. The Insurance Building had been converted into a Freshman Class building, because we had outgrown the old High School on East Livingston Street...and the "New" Wayne Street site would not be completed until the following 1964-65 school year.

back later>>>>
Photos-JFK, Dartball Darts, Thomas Jefferson, and JFK and Jackie Kennedy on November 22, 1963
For some reason out of the blue as I was getting ready for one of my twice a week workdays Kennedy came to mind . I then asked the same question on my FB Page and gave a brief account of that day from my eyes as to where I was and what I was doing thaat fateful day to the communications officer at my agency which he shared with others in the agency. I dare say 95 % of my agency employees were not even born in 63.
. He told me I should write a book. Anyway I was in my senior yr . in HS enrolled in a program called Distributive Education. allowing me to get out of shool around noon every day. I was sitting in the loby of a tire store waiting to get as set if retread tires I woud be paying $5 a week on credit when a radio announcer told us Kennedy had been shot and mostlely the wounds were fatal. Later we found out they were.
For some reason out of the blue as I was getting ready for one of my twice a week workdays Kennedy came to mind . I then asked the same question on my FB Page and gave a brief account of that day from my eyes as to where I was and what I was doing thaat fateful day to the communications officer at my agency which he shared with others in the agency. I dare say 95 % of my agency employees were not even born in 63.
. He told me I should write a book. Anyway I was in my senior yr . in HS enrolled in a program called Distributive Education. allowing me to get out of shool around noon every day. I was sitting in the loby of a tire store waiting to get as set if retread tires I woud be paying $5 a week on credit when a radio announcer told us Kennedy had been shot and mostlely the wounds were fatal. Later we found out they were.
I was only 2 years old - so I don't remember anything about JFK getting killed at all.
What I know about it now, I think it was a sorry chapter in American History. My Mom also thinks that LBJ had something to do with JFK death.
So many theories, so many trailing theories - any of which COULD be true - but can never be proven - not at this time.
Point is, Oswald was caught. Kennedy is dead. That is all we do know for sure.
But if one listens to video of JFK's speeches, it's not hard to see that he could have been a target of many - namely the CIA and the Federal Reserve.
Under today's political climate, I don't think it would be a good idea to totally disregard that there may have been a conspiracy against JFK.
But, there has to be proof...
And it is true that many people act alone.
I made a comment last week on Phil's page concerning psychopaths - the question was asked is they could be taught empathy...
I don't think so. [A scientist in England believes that they can].
It is a fact of life - and nature - some people are born who are not 'wired right'. All through their childhood and early adult life, they act normal - nothing out of the ordinary is noticeable. But then..When they kill, they kill without conscience. I don't believe that a true psychopath can be detected until they actually commit their crime or crime(s).
Example: I think that Ted Bundy was a true psychopath.
Some people are labeled psychopaths who I don't think should be - like the ones who can be detected early - like when they kill animals or try to hurt their siblings or friends...
A true psychopath cannot be detected at all.
So in my opinion, if Oswald acted alone - or even if he did play the patsy for the CIA or LBJ - he pulled the trigger. He got what he deserved.
Had he lived, Kennedy would have been a good President.
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