Friday, I umpired behind the plate at Lima Central Catholic, and by the time the 6pm game got underway I knew it would be a particularly hot time on the old ball was, in retrospect, the hottest I have ever experienced behind the least the first three innings...things slowly improved, but I was spent by the time things ended some 2 1/2 hours later.
Last night at Parkway, working the opening of the Junior ACME District, a double header, wasn't nearly as bad...did the plate in the first game, and the bases in the second...those combined lasted nearly 6 hours, but, despite the length, the cooler conditions made the time move along.....I am done until the District ACME Tournament back at LCC on Thursday. After that...who knows? But a game or two is about all I will do, and frankly, the ending of the season, which began for me back in late March, shortly after Carotid Surgery, is welcome. Football is 4 weeks away, and I need the rest before that comes calling.
The recent heat, baseballs bouncing off my body, and other factors have gotten me to thinking{usually a mistake on my part} much longer do I want to abuse myself physically working sports? As well as how much longer do I want to post on Blogger on a daily basis and type stuff out, that means little to most out there, including those reading this?
Things begin on this experiment five years ago {later this month} with this short and simple{in more ways than one} posting:
So that was the photos, just a start....and not much more.
Five years later, I have posted nearly 1300 times, usually these days at a rate of 5 days a week, taking the weekends off. Much like officiating however, I am wondering if my time is about spent on doing this as often as I do. After all, it seems it has come down to little more than a daily diary these days...which was what it started out as. Over the handful of years I have posted on politics, Vietnam, my past life, including locations lived, complete with photos, opinions, and other assorted BS.
Frankly though, how much can I post about my past and current life, without boring even myself to tears? So it's time for a change, or some changes at least.....
So instead of 5 or sometimes 6 posts a week, starting this week, I will cut it down to two or three, unless something comes along where I need to post more...or less. Politics has become a bore, after all, so why bother? You have at least 45% of the people that are nitwits, that will vote and support the illegal Kenyan Polesmoker, regardless...another 45%, like myself, wouldn't piss on the son of a bitch if he was on fire screaming for somebody to put him out. That leaves 10% who have no clue, and they end up deciding the course of our Republic, and I doubt many of those are reading this blog. So no minds to change there.
For the first 4 years I posted many photos and stories of my times...whether it be growing up on the Gulf of Mexico in Venice, Florida, or my Air Force years, especially my time in Vietnam as a Air Force Sky Cop(nee' Security Police}...a quick trip through my past posts and you can find those photos and stories. These days it is mostly about the weather, health, or sports officiating...and nobody really gives a damn about those things...step outside, you know what the weather is, looking the mirror, and that gives you an idea about your health...sports? Pick up a newspaper or ball glove...
So "The Daily Rant" will become a semi daily rant, or a twice or trice weekly rant....much like sports officiating, it is time to evaluate and re-evaluate things....but regardless I will continue to pour out the mundane moments that I can share, or feel to share, just not as often...until then:
Photos-From the first month of the blog back in July and August 2007...(1)The Boat Races from the 2007 Governors Cup on Grand Lake (2) Me and one of the smaller RVs on my retirement gig which had me running motor homes of all sizes to dealers across country, this one heading for Southern California, I stopped for a day or so at the Route 66 Casino in New Mexico on I-40. (3) One of the photos I use quite often when recalling Vietnam...this one, taken by my buddy Harry Bevan, who I reunited with last October..this photo was taken at Nha Trang Air Base in August 1969 (4) Old comrad Nick Hromish on a visit to watch the Twins with Jim Olson in the Twin Cities in the Summer of 2007....and one large ass Gator, the biggest I had ever seen, along the old Tamiami Trail(US 41) between Everglades City and Upp Road in Florida.
1 comment:
Hope to be home in a couple weekends for a visit. Hoping the 20th or 21st. Will let you know! You can make some more burgers :)
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