Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kicking Back.....resting my feet

Plenty of rain the past few days, and fall has definitely moved into the Heartland....

Still resting my heel{see Monday's post} for another day, will try to give it a go tomorrow at St. Henry for a Junior High double header, and see how it goes for the Friday Night varsity game at Defiance.  I am not confident that the remainder of the season is going to go far as pain.  Sam, still looking for that elusive Actuarial Job is spending his time traveling back and forth between Ohio State, where he is working duty for OSU Athletics and the Big Ten Network, and Celina, where he is doing football.  I have used him to fill in for me the past two nights, and will likely use him again Saturday morning.  Both of us are scheduled to work Friday at Defiance High School, and him at Defiance Tinora, with Garry's crew, as a fill-in.  Today, he will be working a Women's Field Hockey game at Ohio that is something foreign to me.

The bottom line is:  I will work as much as needed through the rest of the Football season, and then take a month off before Basketball....without a doubt, I will need to make some decisions of just how much wear and tear I want to put on my body before next fall.  Baseball is of course not a problem for me, except for the occasional foul ball off the body, or idiot Summer coach that thinks he knows the game better than me....they don't, none of them, but the wear down is just not that intense.  Football and Basketball for a 63 year old, even in pretty good condition, makes you feel your age....especially if have to listen to some asshole yelling obscenity laced BS in your ear.  30 years ago I would not have put up with it....I've mellowed somewhat since those days, when I would have knocked somebody on their ass, or went down trying, to today...but I can feel the tide slipping back the other way, and that probably is not a good thing.  To be honest, when things begin to feel like a "job" it's time to move on to something else.

Looking out the window, the rain, a cold one, is falling again...even the birds and Squirrels are hiding...I did however manage to get a few things done on my "do it" list yesterday.  Clipped the Ivy off the porch, that was getting overrun by the creeping vines, sorted my clothes in the basement, managed to clean the wood floors{still waiting to get the Kitchen done, it's gonna be a long process from the June water problem} got our working assignments down for Friday Night, from one of the coaches/ADs that I consider a friend of mine...making it one Hell of a lot more enjoyable, and tasted and tested a few more Octoberfest Brews....I particularly like Sam Adams Pumkin Ale...not bad at all, I may have to grab a few more of those before the week is out.

Speaking of Officiating......

Forget the idiot that some call "President Obama"{I prefer to call him the Marxist Kenyan Asshole}, tearing this Republic apart...the biggest news of the week, thus far, is about the NFL and the replacement officials they are using:

One of the worst calls in NFL History?  Perhaps!  Are these officials that bad?  Perhaps!  But I sure would not want to be scabbing in their shoes, no amount of money{and they are being paid well} would be worth the BS and beating they are taking from the press, especially the clowns at ESPN....

People seem to forget the blown calls that the regular officials make, and they make plenty, look how often "replays" are used to turn over calls. 

The regular officials want to pad their accounts, their retirement accounts!  And those guys are part time employees....why should the NFL owners want to make these guys rich, most of them already have great jobs and retirements...this is the age of Obama for Gawd's Sake, the country is being ripped apart by this Kenyan Interloping Bastard, and these clowns want to get rich working a part time job....excuse me if I don't give a Rat's Ass! 

I and our crew take as much of this bullshit from morons in the stands and coaching clowns for $60 or $70 on any given Friday night...sorry, it's sports, it's not that big of a deal, get over it!

back later>>>>


Anonymous said...

Hope you can make it down to Hope Hotel Saturday the 6th of Oct. Tom , maybe Larry , Ruth and me , and the others will be lounging around Packys all day before our Phan Rang Banquet on the base Saturday nite. Might get in a few drinks and BS . Tom, Ruth and I will be arrivig sometime Saturday Morning . COME ON DOWN ! sam

miami said...

Nice pics!
Miami Jeep

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...