Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rolling with the Punches PRH vs OHSAA part # 6

Yesterday was VA Colonoscopy day...Patrica and I headed for Columbus and arrived early, and as luck would have it, I got in and out likely pre-cancerous polyp was found, and instead of 10 I'll be back for another "look' in five.  That will put me near 74 and if I'm still kicking I will be more than glad to down that vile lemon juice and do it again....slept through most of the procedure, and that's OK as well...I am nearly 30 hours later, starting to get back to "normal".

The Weasels and the OHSAA....

I've been battling back and forth, in my mind, where to go next on the Ohio High School Suspension of my Baseball, Basketball, and Officiating License....some guys who have suits in the works want me to join theirs, other people want me to sue the crap of the them for violating my 1st Amendment for myself....I have given notice to appeal my "sentence" for some arbitrary and contrived "Unethical Conduct".  At least those are the words of the Head Weasel of Officials one Assistant Commish Beau Rugg.  Mr. Rugg worked at The Ohio State University for many years, the same school my oldest son Sam Graduated from in 2012....Sam is now a successful "Math Guy" out in Illinois, and also a High School sports official in Baseball, Football, and Volleyball...he previously did same here in Ohio...with this "Witch Hunt" by Rugg and Company against his old man, Sam Is probably glad to be out of the OHSAA looking glass.

Beau Rugg is also a Football Official, and I saw him work {via  LimaTV} the game at Coldwater a few weeks ago...him and his crew, IMO, are decent and just above mediocre at best.  This is likely where my suspension came into of the people involved in this is a teacher, band gerbil, and PA announcer for Football and Baseball at that local school...with the information he supplied to one of my friends concerning my "quotes" that were used against me in the mailing to Rugg and Company, it is my opinion that, lets call him jl for the time being, this guy either contacted Rugg with his "information" or was in the loop when that garbage was forwarded to Rugg's office in Columbus.

Only a person in the know would be able to describe the half truths, and edited information that Rugg used to suspend me.  Lets say jl and I have had a few back and forth sessions on social media, Facebook for the most part, where he could gain information again me by scrubbing it off a common friends page.  Here is how he described my facebook and twitter postings:

"I realize that Pat Houseworth is a friend, but your reporting says nothing of what he posted. Including anti-Semitic, racist (including the N-word), mysognistic and more hateful speech. It wasn't a matter of a difference of opinion".

That garbage is a lie or at least a major stretching of the truth....and as a middle school teacher, you would think he at least would have used "spell check"'s   Misogynistic...But I digress, we all make mistakes.

Lie #1  "Anti~Semitic"  Bull Sheet...I have called Hollywood, Media, and Political, types with Jewish names "Fake Jews"  because????  Due to the fact, they are.  They are no more a follower of Judaism than I am.  In short it's not Anti Semitic to call out fake jews...sorry jl they ain't Jews, and I'm not a Anti fact I am one of the biggest supporters of Israel and Biblical Jews you will find around these sorry, you're a liar.

Lie #2  "Racist" I despise Liberal Blacks, Obama, his husband Man~Chelle, Jesse Jackass, Al Sharpton, Mad Max Waters the BLM Clowns?  Hell yes~!  Did I call the Missouri Moron that called for Trump's murder a "Niqqer"?  Yep.  Have I used the real N word on these social media pages?  Not a Chance...I dislike Black Liberals no more or less than White Liberals, like you and the Clintons...meanwhile some of my favorite people are of color...Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, George Foreman, Col. Allen West, and some of my Air Force buddies, all very black and very Conservative, they are hated by the White Liberals who would keep them down on the DNC Plantation more than any white Conservative jl are one time again, A Liar.

Lie #3  Yea, I'm a misogynist ... right!  I guess if you are a half baked abortion loving women who voted for Killary, I probably dislike you, very much, and I'm thinking that goes both for my 600 or so followers of the female variety on my facebook page, or my wife, I suggest you ask are once again jl, a Liar...

Now, have I called Shep Smith a faggot?  Yep, Hillary Klinton "The Iron Dyke" ?  yep, and how about MSNBC's Rachael "Mad~Cow"?  Guilty again...look in the mirror son, we are all bigots, and you as a rotund of one I've seen around, you might try some working out, and a bit less works wonders, especially when you start to grow might help you get there.

Up Next....What I have finally decided to do with this mess....

back later>>>>

Photos-#1 Speaks for itself...#2  Al Sharpton=Racist Nitwit who happens to be black...#3 Allen West=American Hero, who happens to be black

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