Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Daily Rant/Anissa

Today, I head back to Doc Bergman for an update on the Blood Pressure issue from last week, which cancelled my spinal injection. This morning my BP was at 136/71 and that is fairly normal and manageable...the Lisinopril seems to be working, or maybe the Ham was indeed the problem(guess I won't be eating any cured ham anytime soon)...and the BP is back to normal on it's own. In the meantime, barring any unforeseen problems, I will reschedule the Epidural Injection later today, and see when they can get me in....probably after Christmas, is my guess.

Brother Mike is back at Mom's for Christmas....then back he goes to Columbus for 6 weeks of radiation on his vocal chords....any thoughts of him getting back to Homosassa for the winter have flown south with the birds....he will be stuck in the northern hinterlands of Ohio.

Hal is finishing up his 3rd week on the road for Celina(Atlas) Moving....Chicago today, Detroit tomorrow, and then home in the afternoon. Sam meanwhile is heading back to Florida for the 3rd RV delivery outside Orlando in the past 10 days, he will make a couple of Drive-Bys to dealers in Georgia on the way down...Drive-Bys being where you show the new units(this one being a outdoors man toy hauler) to other dealers to see if they are interested in carrying the model.

Other than that, the winter weather is drab...30s for the next few days, with rain for the weekend, which should make the snow a fine mess.


{I don't trust the internet, so that's why I seldom get personal about family on it, or this blog, but I will tell you about our daughter Anissa, since I mention her often, this one time}

Anissa, our oldest child and only daughter was born in Wausau, Wisconsin, in February 1979...the delivery room doctor showed up late for the delivery, and this may or may not have lead to the problems she was to have. Either way, that is not the story. Anissa seemed from the beginning a normal child, she was slow to crawl and walk, but for the most part she seemed "normal" for the first couple of years, either that or we oblivious to her slowness......finally when we moved back to Ohio, and then Sam came along in December 1981, being the fast tracker he was, we realized for certain that Anissa was not where she should be.....we took here to a specialist in Dayton for tests, and the doctor straight out told us that our daughter was "retarded" and that we should prepare to do what we could and become advocates for her.........

And we have, especially Patricia and Anissa's band of caregivers. Patricia, a hospital Social Worker, went back to college got her BA and MAs in Early Childhood Education, with a emphasis on Special Education....graduating Summa Cum Laude from Wright State University in the mid the same time she continued to work a couple of jobs, and with some help from me, managed to raise 3 kids as Hal came along in 1984 during her college years.....

Whatever happens, Anissa keeps this family focused on what is important, and keeps the household from ever being boring. Anissa lives at home, but does stay at an alternative home she calls the 'Brown House' several nights a week...she also attends the local workshop for the mentally handicapped during the fall, winter, and spring, seasons. She also has various "ticks" such as getting up anywhere from 2 to 4AM and ready to go with the day's activities....Patricia usually pays the price for that, in lack of sleep during the school year...though it all Anissa and the family persevere....Anissa and her mom's circle of friends and caregivers do more than me, that is for sure, I can only help when possible, and watch and wonder what life would be like for her if she was "normal"...I can honestly say, it would probably be less fulfilling for us, and we thank God for Anissa through it all.
{Anissa at Christmas years ago, camping, and with the boys in the family studio photo}


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have done well. Labels don't mean much, it's the quality of a persons character that matters.

GUYK said...

I have been on a daily dose of Sular for hypertension for years..and as long as I take the medicine and remember that the NY Times lies I manage to keep that blood pressure under control said...

The best testament to who God loves and trust the most is the family He gives special children like Anissa to - He has truly picked you out and bless you.

Merry Christmas my friend.

FHB said...

Yep, what Mushy said. It's easy to think "what if". I spend a lot, waist a lot of time doing that myself. I think ultimately folks have to play the hand they're dealt, and it sounds like you've gone that in the best way you could have. I love the pictures. It's a testament to you guys that she's done so well.

Nancy said...

Another thing we have in common Pat, only your Anissa is our Hot Stuff Niece...

OH, I do so hope the epidural will work well for you. I had the surgery, and while it did do well in reducing the amount of pain I was dealing with every moment, it couldn't do anything about the nerve damage that had already occured. I hope they found your stenosis faster and at an earlier stage than mine. Of course...they just weren't looking for it in a woman of 40...

PRH said...

Nancy....I was going to ask, you must have been around 40 when yours occured...that is very young. I've had back problems since the late 80s(after a motorcycle wreck), but this appears no to be related....the MRI was taken shortly after this round of pain begin in we will see what shakes out.

PRH said...

Thanks to all....Anissa is a trip and a treat to be thing about folks like her, they may not have it all together in everything "normal", but Anissa can watch a movie once on DVD, and know every word that is coming the next time she views it, she seldom forgets anything that has happend to her, no matter how long ago.....strange world we live in.

Buck said...

I'll echo what FHB said: you play the hand you're dealt. And you and Patricia... especially Patrica... have played your hand well, Pat. I say "especially Patricia" coz it's usually Mom that's the primary care-giver, and not to take anything at all away from you, Pat. Because it's a team-effort.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...