Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sitting Watching the Snow Fall

The 4-8 inches was upgraded to 10-15, and then back appears we have got maybe 6 or 7 inches so far, with a spot of freezing rain overnight....Patricia had to do the shoveling...and may have snow blower duty later...but with 40-50MPH winds in the forecast for this might not be worth it.....

Living in Upstate NY for a few years, and northern Wisconsin for 2 winters, this stuff is nothing to get fired up about.....the last major storms I can remember in the Celina area were back in the early and mid 80s.....must be that Global Warming thing....sure it is!

Glad to see Hermit and the folks in Georgia and Alabama at least got some rain.....not enough, but every bit helps those folks and their drought.

Anyway the snow will stick Sam in Columbus, Hal is still 'truckin' out in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and then he unloads some General's junk at Ol-fart AFB, Nebraska, tomorrow...then they move to Minnesota, and Chicago, before heading home the middle of next week....not much of a Christmas break for the college kid, but he did get an education at the Black Jack table a couple nights ago....after jumping up and a few bucks ahead, he ran into a hot dealer.....and made the mistake of trying to out last him.......not a chance, not a chance.....

Blood Pressure still looking better, back still painful.....the rest of the day will be spent looking at the snow, switching between the NFL and Ohio State playing in the National Championship Men's Soccer you can tell.....

I am (still) bored!

{the driveway, with my 2 vehicles sitting outside, the 77 Buick and the wife's van get inside....and looking east on a deserted Livingston Street, in Celina, and our local Hawk sitting in the garden and kennel area, waiting for an unsuspecting pigeon or squirrel to make a mistake, as the snow was beginning}

5 comments: said...

Great snow pictures...I saw a single flurry today here...dang it!

Buck said...

Glad the worst of it passed you by, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Man, you get some winter up there, don't you? All we got was ice this weekend.

BRUNO said...

Now THAT looks more like it!!!

FHB said...

Yea, dude, I can't WAIT to get up there and play in that shit. Haven't been able to do that in AGES! Flyin' to Milwaukee via Atlanta on Friday afternoon. Have my cold weather gear ready.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

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