Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Weekend

Just a couple of days before Christmas...with the kids grown, although all we be at home, we will spend Christmas Eve at my sister Marty and her family's home....I think all we be there except Miki who lives in LA and was home for Thanksgiving....Mike and mom will be there as well, Mike's radiation treatment have now been rescheduled to start on January 7th or something like that, in Columbus....never could figure out why in the case of cancer, they would continue to delay things.....get it started I say, and get the treatment over with...but hey I'm not a doctor, and no longer a bureaucrat, so what do I know?

Christmas will be spent at home...we have decided not to overbuy this year...., who needs more "Stuff"? Most of it sadly ends up packed away somewhere, never to be used again....BAAH HUMBUG! ....we've got the kids what they wanted, they got us some things we will use, and got ourselves a new basement dehumidifier....they old one blew out last week.....pretty damn romantic ain't it?

The back______________

The pain was in my right hip, buttock, and leg yesterday...(as opposed to being in the left side where it usually resides), it was not as bad, and except for some sleeping issues early on....I got around better...of course that had much to do with the Hydro Codeine as anything else. Finally got to sleep without much pain, and awoke with some left buttock pain and some down the leg...once again, not a severe, and more mobile this morning....the blood pressure was back down(131/74) and I am hope full of some relief, of at least the short term variety.

Having said that....the pain and health issues were never a point of this blog, so I have moved them over to another daily blog, that I will use for my own purposes to write down any health issues, back blood pressure, etc, that I have from can be found at:

That is it for today....if I don't get back posting until later on this week:

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND HAVE A GREAT 2007................................

1 comment:

Buck said...

Merry Christmas to you, Patricia, and the rest of the family, Pat. I hope the New Year sees you pain-free.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

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