Saturday, December 15, 2007

Waiting on the "White Death"/War Protesting

6, maybe 8 inches of snow is on the way for western and southern Ohio today and tomorrow...looks like New York and New England will get maybe a couple of feet....with 24 hour news on TV...I love the overreaction by the talking heads....bad part is, looks like my wife will get the honors of getting out the snow blower and doing the dirty work if we get the full amount.....the boys, Sam(who turns 26 on Monday) and Hal, are gone...Sam, back from Florida the 2nd time this week is in Columbus, Hal is in Kansas City, still working for Celina Moving(Atlas), making money towards his Masters Degree Program at Wright State, which begins in it's the basically housebound me, Anissa, and Patricia for the upcoming snow "event".

Good news is, my blood pressure stood at 127/79 this morning...normal by any standard....we have found what may be the culprit....Ham!!! 20 hours before I was slated to get my epidural injection, I had a couple of servings of baked ham.....not worrying about high BP(because I never had a over the rim reading), I did not think much about it....last night Patricia, who has lower than low BP, usually in the 105/60 range...ate some, just to see what it would do...when she took her BP this morning, it was in the 130+/80+ range.....another lesson learned...don't eat baked ham, especially if you plan on a blood pressure check before surgery or an epidural....Damn, that could have saved me time, money, and pain!

Speaking of Birthdays and family......December is the month....
Sam-December 17th (1981)
Dad(Stan) December 10th (1917)
Mike(brother) Today December 15th(1946)
Our Anniversary December 18th(1976)
Grandma Houseworth December 22nd(1883)
Aunt Cecil December 23rd(1901)
Dad died on December 24th (1972)

Not to mention first cousins and others that make up another dozen or more December birth dates......Mike "celebrates" #61 in Columbus at his older daughter's, waiting on his radiation to begin.....for his vocal cord cancer.

Famous Military Quotes:

As anybody that knows me or reads this can tell...I was never gung ho about my military service....I despised most of the duty I did for the 4 year Air Force stint....something about being one of the people who just didn't take orders very well....I remain that way today.

However, that does not mean that I don't relish the days in the Air Force, the people I served with, or the men and women in combat today....I support our troops 100%....Washington is full of assholes, so is the military, but the mission is right for our country today.....those that protest the war are free to do that...those that protest those fighting the war on terror, need their collective asses kicked.

Newell, one of my VSPA brothers...sent many of us some quotes from throughout military history....many were good, some were funny, and a few, I really liked......this one by General Tommy Franks(from the Iraq Conflict) is among my favorites.......

"When you get home and face an Anti-War Protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand, then wink at his girlfriend, because she knows she is dating a pussy"

That about says it all.......

{photos...pussy war protesters, and the 377th SPS Air Force in Vietnam during TET, 1968}


Buck said...

Dang, who'd a thunk ham would affect your blood pressure that way? Not me...

Nice quote, too!

Cookie..... said...

Hey mate....our anniversary is one December the 18th as well...41 years comin up in a few days. AND...a Happy Anniversary to you and your bride as well amigo....

PRH said...

Thanks Cookie..and congrats, heck I was a senior in High School when you got hitched....Buck, the Ham thing is amazing...I knew it was salty, but to think it might have had this major effect? As of this afternoon I'm still hanging in the 130/75 range.... said...

"...because she knows she is dating a pussy!"

Great...hadn't heard that before...damn, hope I get to use it someday!

FHB said...

Well, congrats on the December days, and the anniversary. Christmas will be my folks 57th. Not sure how dad talked her into marrying on that day, but it made the anniversary easier to remember.

And that quote is great! Heard it before, but forgot it. Good one.

And fuck it, eat the ham, just don't eat it when you're gonna get checked. Good thing to know though. Mine's down too. probably a similar thing.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...