Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

It's time to put away the "looking back" at the Christmas pasts for another we move to within 2 days of the celebration of the birth of Christ.  Although the Government, schools, and leftist/atheist wacko types have pushed JC out of the minds of the kiddies, and mindless morons that voted for and support Barack Insane Obama and his ilk.  To all that choose to believe, I wish you a Merry CHRISTmas, to those black hearted godless bastards of the left, a lump of coal for you.  Not kind I know, especially for someone that claims to be a Christian,  but the beating down of Christmas and Christians that has occurred over the past few decades, in the name of Political Correctness, and not offending anybody, has led me to not really try to be kind to those that would destroy the name of Christ or his followers.

OK, that's my little rant for today....

Enjoy your Christmas and Holiday Season which unofficially kicks off tomorrow about 6PM local time....I probably will check in over the next couple of days, basketball tonight, then a few days off.  Next week, basketball a couple of nights, then New Years Day north and west to Pearson's place, to have our first New Years Bowl outing at Rick and Toni's new place...we missed last year, for the first time in years, as they were in the process of moving out of the old ranch and not yet into the new....

back later>>>>


Anonymous said...

I usually dont take time to ever make comments on a web site but I have to say I would truly be doing you a grave disservice if I didnt write something. This post has most definitely opened my eyes. Thank you so much for writing it.

Deborah Wilson said...


Dropping by to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!

I'm still trying to get over pneumonia; the doxycycline that they gave me to take has caused a few problems, but I guess I'll live...:)

I'm ready for chocolate cake and fried pies...

Deborah Wilson said...


Left you a toast on my blog. I was gonna get my pic taken with Santa this morning at Arby's but he was already gone! lol

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...