Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wandering Through The Winter Wonderland....

The January-like temperatures and conditions seem to have settled in for the foreseeable future in West Central Ohio...20s with some light snow for the daytime, and lower teens or higher single digits at night.

Worked a JV Boys game at Crestview High School in Convoy last night.  The home team defeated their arch Van Wert County rivals, Linconlnview, in both the first and Varsity games....with the Varsity contest being a one point affair...the JV contest not nearly as close.  I slid on icy and snow covered pavement on the 30 mile trip home...those long trips are getting to be costly...gas up to $3.14.9 in Celina today.  And the outlook in this failed Obama economy isn't much better.  You can blame the Oil Companies all you want, but the real enemy to our freedoms, and our pocketbooks, is the Kenyan fool and his cronies in the bloated Government Bureaucracies, and with Wall Street speculators.

As I wrote earlier, I'm not much of a New Year's Resolution type of guy....but I did make plans on several fronts.  One was to be on this blog, and the rest of the Internet less in the future, and to read more books...mysteries, history, and those about things, people, and events, from my youth.  I began that quest a week or so ago, when Patricia picked up a few recent releases from the local library.  The first one I started was a book by Jane Leavy titled "The Last Boy, "Mickey Mantle and the end of America's Childhood".  No glorification of my childhood hero is this writing, but no vilification far it's been a straight forward read about Mantle and the end of American innocence.

Once done with that I will read political talker, and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck's foray into fiction....this one called "The Overton Window"....Beck's political books have been runaway best sellers, much to the chagrin of the left wing losers that hate him and love Obama and Islamic Terrorists...I'm sure this one pisses them off even more.  Another best seller and it's not about his political opinions.  If I get those done before the due date, I will delve into Darwin Porter's book about Humphrey Bogart.  Not sure if this will be a hit piece about Hollywood or what?  The author has written some "suspect" stuff....

So that's my plan....Books, a Wedding in the family to get ready for and following reception 2 weeks later, and plenty of Basketball to officiate.  Meanwhile baseball rules meeting kick off in a little over 3 weeks...I might be retired, sort of, buy I have plenty of irons in the fire to keep my busy/entertained until spring ends the long nights of this Midwestern Winter.

back later>>>>

Photos-Top and Bottom, a look at the fresh but lite snow that covers the ground in our Celina Neighborhood.  The Middle photo is of the 3 books I plan to tackle in the next few weeks.


Cookie..... said...

Our generation, and maybe the next one, discovered the pleasures of read'n a good book and the knowledge, inspiration or pleasures it brought us. However, today, with the possible exception of "kindle", video's and video games have mostly taken over leasure activities. A sad loss.

PRH said...

You got that right Cookie....and I'm guilty...trying to change that here in my twilight years. :)

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...