Monday, April 18, 2011

Birth Certificates 101~Why Obama's is a Sham!

Rained Friday night, most of the day Saturday...then windy, with some sun and near normal temperatures for the day....Patricia is still recovering from her sinus infection, but is back at work today.   My umpire and MRSI cohort Garry was presented with a surprise Birthday Party for his 50th on Saturday Night by his wife, I headed to Dockside on the Lake about 7pm and spent a few hours there with 60 or so other folks celebrating his big birthday.

However most of the weekend, with Saturday's game at Antwerp being rained out, was spent at home...watching the Reds, the NHL Playoffs, and Hal and Lisa's dogs...well behaved, but active, mixed Schnauzers, they keep us along with the old Airedale Reagan, and the cat, hopping.  The newlyweds were in Chicago for the weekend, returning yesterday evening after taking in a White Sox vs Angles game on the south side.  Now with those two dogs back in Centerville, and Anissa, and Patricia at and the other two residents of the house can relax in relative quite.  Although I kind of miss them, but that will go away in due time.

The Obamaz Birth Certificate Sham....BC 101____

I worked for some 20 years in the Health Department setting....8 years at the Mercer County-Celina City(Ohio) Health Department as a staff Sanitarian, and another 12 as Environmental Health Director at the Van Wert County(OH) Health Department.  So basically I was an inspector of everything from restaurants, to water wells, to septic systems, trailer parks, rabies, camps, junk, etc, etc.  What I was, was a Registered Sanitarian...the guy with the little "RS" after my name.  What I wasn't was a County Registrar of Vital Statistics...those are the people that certify Birth Certificates.  However like all employees of small county health departments, I issued Certified Birth Certificates....because sometimes, with vacations, illness, lunch, etc...the actual Registrar wasn't on hand.  The rest of the staff, whether it be nurses, sanitarian, or secretary, would do the "Registrar" work.

Someone would come into the office and, ask for their 'actual' BC...what we would issue is called a "Certified Birth Certificate" is a copy of one of the originals, that is signed or stamped with the seal and signature of the local registrar.  It's a photograph copy of one of the 2 originals...if you were born after 1908, you have one at the county your were born in, and one at the State Health Department in the our case, Columbus, Ohio.  You can get a certified copy from either, for a fee.  It's a lot quicker, to get one from your local office, whether you live locally or out of don't want to wait on the bean counters at the state might take forever.

What Obama's Certificate of Birth is not_____

President Obama(and I use that term loosely) has his minions parading around his "Proof" of Birth from Hawaii....

The call it a "Certificate of Live Birth"....and that's what it is.  A typewritten report of what is contained on the actual "Birth Certificate".  It can be manipulated and I believe this clown's has been.  The paper that this "Certificate of Live Birth" is typed on, is no proof of anything....what it is, is something that a bureau-rat at the state or local level has typed on the paper, and claims it is the information contained on his "Real Birth Certificate".  It can be a farce...I believe Obama's is...for one reason or the other.

Why not just get a $15 copy of his real BC?  Why not indeed!  My opinion is...(1) He doesn't have one or (2) it's got information on it that he doesn't want America to know....There can be no other answer...none, no other answer at all.

So here it is in short....

Certified Birth Certificate(copy, signed, and with seal)=Real Birth Certificate
Certificate of Live Birth(not worth the paper written on, an cannot be used as proof for anything_
The cute little Hospital Birth Record with foot and thumb prints and photo of Hospital=a nice present for mom and dad, but not worth anything as far as 'proof'....

The Certified Copy of the Original is the only thing that is actual "proof" of who you say you are...anything else is pure BS...just like Obama's Presidency....

There you have it....pretty simple isn't it?  So why are the usual suspects in the lame stream media calling people who claim that Barry is a phony stupid, ignorant, racists, etc?  That answer is easy...they love Obama and hate Conservatives and America....

The tougher question is...Why are people like Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, Rove,  and other so-called Conservatives saying the same thing....find out that answer, and you will find out what this sham of a person is still sitting in the White House.  Because the bottom line is:  Obama has shown no proof(and don't get me started on that "newspaper announcement" from Hawaii, that damn thing doesn't even give a place of birth...just the names and that this guy was hatched somewhere)...maybe, with those ears, he is Mr. Spocks long lost cousin, and was born on the planet Vulcan.  

One thing for sure, this phony bastard has shown us nothing to prove he was born of this country....
Baseball scheduled at Van Wert tonight...but looking outside, I gotta a feeling the next couple of nights will join the rain-out list....

back later>>>>


Top Left...mine, a "Certified Copy of my Actual Birth Record...this can be used for all things legal, from Drivers License to Passports, marriage,'s the long form, the one Obammy is spending $millions$ to hide....(2)  A Certificate of Live typed by some burearat in Hawaii...not worth the paper it's typed shows no Hospital Records as they were can be forged, and in this case, most likely was.  What is Barry and his protectors hiding? (3) My youngest child's gift to his parents from the hospital...cute little footprints, thumbprints, and a record of birth.  This cannot be used for anything's is something to be kept and/or framed, but as a record of birth, it is useless.  I have nothing to hide....either does my son, these records are just that...nobody can use the information contained for anything...



botiquin de armario said...

I think we need to always carry the medicine cabinet, but a duty is a duty, something that never happens until it happens and not bad to have this hand:

Debie Elliot said...

I guess I always thought my old BC from Van Wert Hospital was the legal one. Why would they go to such lengths to put foot prints etc on something just to give to parents? IDK if I have ever got a copy...I probably have. Are there 2kinds of copies? Long form and short form? Don't they use those footprints on BC to identify you if you commit a crime?

BRUNO said...

Yeah, I discovered this fact when I renewed my Missouri Chauffeurs License last year.(Cost me $15.00 to "discover" it!)

IF the arrogant sonofabitch DOES have a legal-B.C.---then why the HELL not just SHOW the damned-thing? Everyone else who runs for public-office does, if requested?

True, that pretty-little gold-foil "ribbon" LOOKS official---but it ain't worth shit anymore LEGALLY.

(Ironically, it WAS good-'nuff for Selective-Service, 40-some-odd years ago...!)☺

Deborah Wilson said...

Exactly right, Pat - this is a good post explaining birth certificates.

What did you do with your FBook button?

Deborah Wilson said...

p.s.] funny that Hal was born on Friday the 13th! Looks like that day was lucky for him and not unlucky! Goes to show...

PRH said...

The Badge is now the Facebook Button Deb...just click my badge, and it takes you to the site:

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...