Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stocking Up!

As I've been writing in e-mails to some of's past time to start getting ready for whatever the new Government(A Radical Islamic Marxist supporter like Obama and his wife, or an open border "Maverick" like Juan McCain) might bring. I think we are in for a long spell, regardless of who sits in or abuses the White House....the American Government and Congress are in the hands of far left leaning Environmentalists, anti free speech, anti gun, anti God, and anti American Radicals....Changes they are a coming.

My answers are simple, from this simple man....STOCK UP NOW! Food prices are going to sky rocket, Natural Gas prices have went double since last winter, and we already know what has happened to Oil, Gas, and Diesel prices.....doom and gloom? I think not, it's called getting your collective heads out of your asses, and being prepared for what this change might bring. Food and Ammo are a good hedge against the coming depression, of course make sure you have on hand your God given/Constitutional right to some bearable arms....when the coming crash arrives, will you be ready? If not, don't say PRH didn't warn you. Times, they are a changing!!

Back to everyday life____________

Patricia and Anissa arrived safe and sound in Wisconsin, and will remain there for the remainder of the week, flying out of Milwaukee Sunday evening for Dayton....

Hal went back to Dayton today for a preliminary "must do" for Grad School coming this fall...Sam and I got our games in last evening...I'm across Grand Lake at St. Marys tonight, he's at Delphos. Switched days, and I'll work tomorrow morning at Greenville.....the only day this week. Weather remains cooler, no need for the A/C, and so far dryer for a couple of days....50 last night, the fresh air, open windows, and incoming breeze, are a plus this time of the year, especially after the past 2 weeks of hot, humid, and stormy conditions.

Back Later>>>>>>>>>>>>

photos-A portion of our basement supplies...Patricia started this a couple of years ago, and we make a concerted effort to update/rotate the stock...including batteries a all purpose radio that works via hand crank when the battery supply dies. Keep your stuff in a cool, somewhat dry, darkened environment, for maximum shelf life.


FHB said...

Thinkin' about it. Not my nature to panic, but I'm thinkin' about it.

The New York Crank said...

Did I count more than a dozen cans of beans down there in your cellar, dude? No wonder you're so full of gas!

Crankily yours,
The New York Crank

PRH said...

Thanks panic, but just in case.

NYC....Not a big bean fan....but just in case of war, maybe I can "gas em".

Grandpa-Old Soldier said...

Looks good to me. I didn't see any beer and cigars. That's a problem. I would like to see some one develop a brd ( beer read to drink) like the mre's. Works for me. said...

All you really need to save up is will be like gold when times get that bad.

People used to ask me what I was going to do for the year 2000 rollover...I said nothing, I've got plenty of ammunition...I'll just come over an take what you are stock piling! Got a lot of funny looks, but I was serious!

BRUNO said...

I see ONE thing that you might consider, seriously---make yourself a retainer-strip across that shelving. Why? So it doesn't shake-off quite as easily in an earthquake.

We're BOTH thinkin' Apocalypse, for two equally-bad situations! ONE, we might fight, and win, against. The other, well, NO ONE can prevent. Not even with all the governmental-funding of ANY political-party!

You don't live THAT far out of the main-body of the New Madrid Fault Zone...!

PRH said...

Bruno: Probably a good idea...we have had a couple of "bumps" in the 13 years we have live at this actually made the basement floor drop by about 1/2 inch.....

PRH said...

Old Soldier....the Beer goes to fast...but my buddy owns a carry out just down the block, so I should be able to grab a dozen cases or so in a hurry....and the Cigar stock is in the walk in Humidor in the other basement not to worry. ;)

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...