Monday, June 2, 2008

Wandering the Back Yard

Sam and I are getting ready to head to Convoy for a couple of games at Crestview High School...ACME season is upon us. The main difference between ACME and High School games, the time, most start at 6 or 6:30pm and the weather, usually hotter, and more thunderstorms to dodge.

Started back into my walking today, it's been awhile since I did any decent workouts...drove the Jeep to Lake Shore Park, and made the one hour walk along West Bank Road to the park and back....temp was in the 80s....rain is slated for tomorrow, otherwise, I will grab the camera and take a few shots along the way.

Today I hit the back yard a few mintues ago and took these shots:

Back Later>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Some of the wife's flowers outside the fence line....and my back entry gate next to the dog kennel....the fence is getting old, but with the exception of the 3 entry points has a few good years left before I replace it....the gates are another story, they just don't seem to last as long.

5 comments: said...

I got to walk again, but very pretty here. Nothing like your own there?

Nice shots.

BRUNO said...

At the risk of being branded a "sissy", I LOVE that black-n'-red bloom, whatever it is!(I even hate to mow down those Black-Eyed Susans' in the fields! I'm such a weenie!)

Naw---the gate isn't worn-out. It merely increases in "rustic-charm" with each passing year...!

PRH said...

Oriental Red Perennials Bruno....yep, I'm no weenie either, but do like to look at a good flower, tree, or women....and looking at the flowers and such will get you in less trouble.

Damn, I've got 3 "rustic" gates then....that's why I took the photo in sepia....that backyard charm.

Buck said...

Nice pics, Pat. Admiring flowers is a good thing.

Buck said...

Women, too!

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