Monday, December 7, 2009

Head Colds/11 Hours Sleep/ and 1st Snow

Sitting here this morning, wandering the Internet, and listening to Glenn Beck:

In the News_____

There is little doubt that the fix is in....Congress with the pushing of our President, one Barry Soetoro aka: Barack Insane Obama, it going to roll like the lap dogs they are on Global Warming, Cap and Trade{taxes}...That and the take over of the Health Care industry by the left wing bureaucrats is a done deal.....The Congress, including the Blue Dog Dimocrats, is going to let it happen, despite what the majority of Americans think of it....

I guess we can deal with it, or fight back....which side are you on?

\No amount of bitching by folks like me, is going to change anything....The Marxists in Charge are bound and determined to go forth with the usurping and destroying of our freedoms and matter what we may want....Global Warming my ***

And this morning, we have our first snow of the season in west Ohio. Houston, Texas, had snow over the weekend, and Sacramento, California, has snow for the first time since 1976....I repeat....Global Warming My ***!

The Fix is in...the Question Remains..."When are the people going to wake up, and throw these bastards overboard"?

First Snow/First Cold___

\I woke up this morning, after 11 hours plus of sleep, to an inch or so of snow on the ground...our first measurable deposit of the looked kind of nice.

I managed to acquire a head cold over the weekend...I had not had a major cold or bout with the flu for years until last winter...I caught one at the start of basketball season, and battled the bug for a couple of months off and on. It appears I may be in for the same war this winter...I have to believe it has something to do with get close up to fans, players, coaches, and handle a round ball that gets touched by at least a couple of dozen players each evening...a prescription for colds, flu, etc, without a doubt.

So I will continue to take the vitamins, drink the OJ, and down a spirit or 3 each evening. Over the weekend I didn't manage to down many, but I did try a couple of speciality brews, "Full Moon" by Blue Moon and Leinenkugel's Dark Creamy Winter Ale....not bad. I downed a couple yesterday while watching football, probably the reason I managed to grab 11+ hours most needed sleep.


Hal and his buddy Matt, both Bengals fans, headed to Cincinnati yesterday to watch the Bengals take on the Lowly Lions of Detroit....not a pretty game, but Cincinnati cemented it's lead in the AFC North by taking out the Lions 23-13. It looks like the Bengals will make playoffs for only the 2nd time since 1990, barring a complete collapse in the final month of the season.

The Bowls____

The BCS managed to luck out with the Texas win over Nebraska on a disputed 13-12 Field Goal as time expired....then put the 2 "outsiders" Texas Christian and Boise State, against each other in the Fiesta Bowl, so the have-nots won't have the opportunity to take on the big boys....the NCAA and B{c}S sure wouldn't want that.

Other Major games have Ohio State vs Oregon in the Rose Bowl, Florida takes on unbeaten Cincinnati in the Sugar Bowl, Georgia Tech against Iowa in the Orange, and in the Title Game, Texas Longhorns face Alabama's Crimson Tide at Pasadena....I'll make my predictions later on this blog.....

And it appears in my "I have no Life" section....all 3 of my NFL Fantasy Teams on ESPN will make the Championship rounds....Hooray for me!

Dartball at Hopewell Lutheran tonight and back to Basketball Tomorrow with a Boys Junior High double header at Lincolnview.

December 7, 1941____

I would be remiss if I failed to mention that today is Pearl Harbor Day....on December 7th 1941, the Japs{yes I know that is not PC, but that's what they were and what we called them}...attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, to begin WWII....I wonder, but doubt, if we would have the guts to fight back today like we did then....the current Administration and clowns in Congress, are not patroits, they are gutless cowards....

I salute those brave men and women from that day 68 years ago.......the sad part can hardly find a newspaper headline on the Internet that declares "Japs"...Google and the rest of the Internet are part of the sickness called Political Correctness and Revionist History!

back later>>>>>

Photos-top/looking out my bedroom window and the Kitchen window, at the inch or so of snow on the roof looking across my back yard and neighborhood. And the two brews I tried, despite the cold this weekend, "Full Moon" and Leinenkugel's Dark Ale. And the newspapers of the day told it like it was...sadly, you can hardly find a copy of the true headlines on the Internet in these days of political correctness.


Cookie..... said...

Livin in New York State our Senators are "Lefty" Schummer and "Guilty" Gillibrand, both as you've figured out or read, very left Dummycrats.

Over the past 6 or 8 months or so, this computer has been right real busy sending E-mails and signing legitimate and acceptable petitions to both these so called "Representatives of the People" on issues like tax payer funded abortions, "Cap & Trade", and of course the Health Care fiasco. In ALL cases I keep getting these "cookie-cutter", prepaired responses that basically say, "I'm gonna vote the way I wanna vote, not what you and the other majority of Americans want!!

Almost EVERY poll and survey indicates that the majority of folks DO NOT want Government sponcored Health Care and taxpayer funded abortions. The same with "Cap & Trade", although many MANY folks have absolutely NO understanding of that financial nightmare and what it will do to energy costs and just trying to sell yur house someday.

Nope, large segments of the population just wanna watch "Dancing with the Stars", American Idol, The View or some other such mind numbing shit. They have no idea what lies ahead for this country, and God protect the poor person who tries to tell them. They don't want to be shaken out of their fantasy worlds with facts and truth, especially those staunch Obama supporters who actually believe this "man" can do no wrong.

The movement is growing (albiet slowly) to vote out just about ALL incumbants (Democrat, Republican or Independant) and litterally clean house in 2010. If we don't, as "Bender" from Futurama would say "We're Boned!"

FHB said...

Good tunes and good brews. The politics sucks, but what can ya do. Democracy: the unwashed and brain dead outshoutin' the rest of us. I don't hold out much hope for anything to get better any time soon. Like North Korea, they're gonna keep the old tired, discredited ideas alive so long as it keeps them in power.

I hope you're feelin' better soon, and it snows like that here soon. I'd love it!

Blister said...

Don't agree with a damn bit of your political crap, but some interesting stuff you have here, and it's not a bad read. I'd like to hear more about your time in Viet Nam if you get some slow posting times.

PRH said...

Blister from MACland and Sun indeed don't have to like or agree with my "political crap"...I except nothing else from a lefty like you.

However, thanks for stopping by, and just follow the older posts and links over the past 2 1/2 years...plenty of Vietnam{one word} stories as well as PC{political crap, not political correctness}...another VN story coming soon...

PRH said...

Cookie, you have a couple of low lifes...ours in Buckeye land are no better. We've got Sherrod Brown and his Marxist wife{left wing writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer} and the head RINO "Crying" George Voin-a-bitch...who I expect will cave on health care and crap and trade, before it's all said and done. After all he's a lame duck, and a lib at heart.

PRH said...

Jeff...cold as Hell here this morning, but my personal cold is getting better....

Winter is for trying new brews and an occasional cigar....

And the politics? The uneducated masses, led by a Kenyan Assclown, evil down to his Marxist Roots...screw em'

justin said...

Hate to bust your bubble bro but both ways to spell Vietnam or Viet Nam are used and correct.. I have seen both spellings used in country. On the other side of the news i am with you all the way and i hope that the people will wake up before its to late..

PRH said...

Thanks for stopping by Justin...don't really care though how they spell it over there. We spelled it as one word, plus I was just giving Blister, the red arse...

Keep Stopping by.....

Mr. Grey Ghost said...

I cant get into college football until they get a playoff system, the BCS sucks.

BRUNO said...

You KNEW in advance I was gonna stop by here, didn't ya'? And BTW, you have TV-FoxNews access, I'm sure. Did they, or did they not, acknowledge Pearl Harbor Day? I'm almost positive the BIG THREE Obama-Networks didn't. If so, fine---I missed it. If not, well, life goes on.

I get to hear about an hour each of Limbaugh and Hannity. I don't agree with everything either of them says, but then again, I DO agree with most of it. They BOTH need to "fine-tune" their RADIO-shows, if they want to keep that audience captive. Especially Hannity. Just because you're not "on the same page" as your caller doesn't give you the right to cut 'em off. Even Limbaugh doesn't do that! Listen to them, then PROVE they are full of shit, and THEN cut 'em off....!

(That'll teach you to invite me over...!)

BRUNO said...

Oh, and JUSTIN is right---sorry!

It's kinda like SHITHOUSE. Or, if you prefer, SHIT HOUSE.(Hmm, what a coincidence---same # of syllables as VIETNAM. Or, VIET-NAM. Ain't that somethin'! Ya' think it's relative? LOL!)And, YOU, too, are just as "right as(freezing!)rain" as well!

OK, I've badgered your throbbing head, that sore throat, and those bleeding nostrils long enough! So I'll check back in another few days, if you're still alive...!

PRH said...

Damn give me a! GG, the B{c}S is a joke for sure....notice how the NCAA and BCS did the slick thing and dumped Boise State and TCU into the same game? The wouldn't want one of their dear "elites" like Florida to get knocked off...

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...