Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Message for Anonymous from Litchfield, Maine

Not many haters of the American tradition of free speech stop by this blog...but on occasion some assclown drops by and leaves an inane comment. A few months ago it was a nitwit from Frasor, Colorado, named Charley McCauley. It turns out Charlie was a fellow Air Force Sky Cop that, like me, was stationed at Nha Trang AB, in Vietnam....seems Charles has a man crush on Barry Soetoro{AKA Barack Insane Obama}, and didn't like what I had to say about our Kenyan-in-Chief...Charlie didn't stick around long, just long enough to make some veiled threat and call me a racist{that's all Liberals have it seems}....I'm still waiting Charlie, you big bad ass you....

So last night I get home from my basketball officiating gig and while watching North Carolina put a beat down on Michigan State... I turn on the computer, bring up this blog and I see a couple of comments had been posted on yesterday's post{which had nothing to do with Obama}:

It appears that Anonymous{who after a little searching I deemed is from the Litchfield, Maine area}, who didn't have the stones to leave a real name or even a fake a "Warrior for Obama". Coming from a state that gave us Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, a couple of true blue RINOS, Anonymous from Litchfield's comments come as no surprise.

He also left another for Cappy, but as I told only get one bash at your host, and his readers, so make it good....he didn't. The punk instead used a photo of Obummer on my side bar calling him a Kenyan Man-Child. as his reason for his rant. Of course anybody that reads this blog with any regularity, knows I could care less where Obama is from...he is one evil un-American son of a bitch, regardless of his ancestry or birthplace. But Anonymous from Litchfield, like Charlie from Colorado, is of the mind that anybody that doens't like The Obummer is a racist....sorry boys, it ain't so....I would despise and disrespect Barry, no matter his skin color or place of birth.

And Anonny...if you want to figure out how I know you hail from Litchfield, drop me a the meantime...YOU ARE DISMISSED!

On the menu for today____

Not much is the short answer.

No games tonight, but I may or may not attend the rules meeting in Van Wert. I already have 5 of the required 4 in, so I could pass on the rest of the meetings this season. However, as bad as I think I officiated the girls Junior High games in Waynesfield last night, I may want to attend far more than are required....I was out of it, and missed a few calls that should have been made. Another JH girls double header at Spencerville tomorrow, before moving onto the Big Boys games this weekend at Paulding on Friday, and Lima Temple Christian on Saturday.

In the meantime....

I took the Intrepid up to Wolfes for a oil change, tire rotation, and a check on the brake pedal that is making a "noise" that I don't like...haircut at noon, then at 3:30 Patricia head up to The American Shoppe to pick up our new bed and mattress set. I think we've been on the same mattress for about 20 years, so she plunked down a pretty good sum to get Anissa a new bed, and one for guess is this is our Christmas Present, because the bank is empty and closed on the Holiday account. Hopefully it's back and sleep friendly, for the price it should be.

That is the short of it for today....back later>>>>
Photo-It's my guess that Anonymous from Litchfield can be found at your local Obama Rally carrying a sign like the one this dolt is holding...


Anonymous said...

Running into people who try to hijack your blog and turn it into a battleground is one of the down sides of blogging. I just delete them , myself. I'm not interested in providing a format for trolls. Blogger is free and they can set themselves up is my philosophy.

Cookie..... said...

Mate, I just loves it when a troll or two comes a sneak'n around the old Cookshack. So far, everyone of them does NOT have the balls to leave their identity, its always "anonymous". Cowardly leftist asswholes. BTW, I've traced several of them back to their respective hometowns and domains as well. I think it freaks them a little that we can do that.. ;-)

If'n ya get anymore of them, just send em over to "The Shack" so's I can have some fun with em!

PRH said...

Thanks Guys...I like poking them in the Eye...I bet this one is wondering..."How the Hell did this guy find out where I posted from"?

Let him keep worrying and wondering... :)

Donald Borsch Jr. said...

Mr. Pat,

Yeah, I pretty much hate anyone who posts as "anonymous". No guts, no accountability.

And when will these idiots learn that in this modern-day era of technology, that they really are NOT anonymous? Eediots, the whole lot of 'em.

By the way, your new photo with the booze, cigar, and handgun is, dare I say it, freaking awesome!

Keep the faith, sir. Long Live the Republic.

PRH said...

Thanks Don....I see my "visitor" was back again tonight...and I salute him with a glass of Drambuie, and the fickel middle finger of fate...

PRH said...

Annony from Litchfield{or 45 miles from Litchfield} was back....but as I said son, you might as well bury your head in Obama's sorry ass. You won't get posted again.

Get your own Obummer worshipping blog, they are free...

While your are worshipping our Presidential Son of a Kansas Whore, ask him how he feels about getting our troops killed for ungrateful Islamic Terrorist scum?

Now have fun freezing your ass off in Maine this Winter, it's obvious your balls were frozen off long ago. bye-bye

Cookie..... said...

DAMN Patrick!!! Yur havin all the fun with this troll!!

PRH said...

Cookie...guess I should leave his posts up{although I believe one troll post tells you all you need to know}...this guy is a certified Obummer Butt Sniffer, and not real bright.

Of course having a diverse family yourself, I'm sure you just shake your head when someone calls you a racist, for daring to talk bad about King Barry. :)

They just don't get the fact, you can dislike the Hell our of someone of color, without race being the reason.


Have a good one Cookie....

Cookie..... said...

Man, y'all got that RIGHT Pat! Being called a racist is the "mantra" of the left if'n ya disagree with his majesty. I just laugh, and then tell them about all my grandchildren and son in law, at that usually shits them up...but not always.

At any rate, have a great time with this idiot...or should I say Eunuck?

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...