Friday, October 8, 2010

HAIR! ~Summer's Last Blast? ~ Portraits of Vietnam

One thing, but not the only, I have noticed about getting older is...the older you get, the faster your hair grows...well that is if you have any left.  Whether it's the hair on ones back, in your nose, ears, and even on the place where you want it most...the head, it grows faster...kind of like time flying as you age..  Now I don't mind the hair on top growing quicker...even though I hate haircuts.  Bringing me to the first topic of today...

I will finish this, then head to George's to get my ears lowered...and it's only been 3 weeks, ah for the post Air Force days when I didn't get but one or two a I'm up to 15 or so per year.  Add that to the fact that I have to bring out the Male "Nair" and let Patricia slap that cold stuff on back and shoulder every couple of months just to clear out that wild stuff that grows out of control...

No fill-in High School Football games tonight, so I can watch the Reds try to stave off the heavily favorite Phillies in game #2 of the National League Playoffs....tomorrow I make a long trip north for a JV real profit in that drive to West Unity Hilltop, but I did a Varsity Baseball game there last Spring, and I do like to travel on occasions to different locations....Patricia will be at a conference in Dayton, so a drive and football on a sunny warm Fall day seems in order.  Speaking of sunny days....

Summer's Last Gasp__?__

Summer is on the verge of reappearing for the next 5 days or so....low to mid 80s are on tap for western Ohio through Tuesday of next week....sounds perfect for beer drinking and enjoying a couple of hand rolled Cigars out of doors.

Sam will be home from OSU Sunday...he works his first High School varsity football contest tonight in Columbus, Franklin  against undefeated New Albany, is ranked #1 in their region...he works the video booth for the Buckeyes against Indiana tomorrow, and then drives back for a Sunday double header with me, for the final Rec League regular season games that afternoon.

Photos of Vietnam Military Police____

Over the past decade I have made many friends, both from reunions, and on-line with guys who, like me, served as "Cops" in Vietnam....most were Air Force Security and Air Police, but others, like Jim Stewart, were with the Army.  Lifelong friends from this area also ended up as MPs, while I ended up, like my buddy from Scott, Ohio, Bill Marshall, an Air Force Cop, who were sent off to Vietnam.  Rick Pearson, Mike Knapschaefer, and Mike Schilling, ended up on the Army side.  Anyway back to Jim Stewart...Jim served as an Army MP in Vietnam about the same time as I did....he's an author, blogger, and most of all a Conservative Patriot.  Jim has been publishing video/photos(even one of me and my Nha Trang SP buddy Harry Bevan from 1969 on our "Summer Vacation") can find his latest installment right here:

The first 3 installments(think I'm in #3 and the photo on the left is in the forth installment) are also linked up with the 4th but not final clip...Jim is working on another.

Jim also published the book  "The Angel From Vietnam" as well:

Jim Stewart is indeed an American Patriot...drop by and view his works.

Off to get a haircut, then enjoy the "summer" weather, have a great weekend....

back later>>>>

Photos-Yep, me this morning before getting my hair cut...still have a full head of graying locks, a bit shorter, and a lot more gray, on both the top, and on the Mustache than it was back in 1979 when daughter Anissa came along.  Jim Stewart has 4 sets of video photos of fellow Army and Air Force "Cops" from Vietnam...this is me, back in 1969 working the Civilian Gate at Nha Trang with the 14th SPS....he is also an excellent author, the cover is from his "The Angel from Vietnam" available at Amazon.Com.


Sarge Charlie said...

holy crap old timer, how did you get to keep so much hair

PRH said...

In the Genes Sarge....both sides kept their hair, but mom's side all turned early gray, dad's side went to their graves with dark hair and plenty of it...guess I took after momma and the Irish side. :)

Nancy said...

I know guys who put stuff on their heads to make their hair grow. You are very fortunate to keep not only your hair but your motivation and stamina.I still work, love my job and play in 2 bands. My mind tells me I am 25, but my body is trying to tell me different.I get up and thank God for each new day.

Gene Bach said...

The hair on my head isn't growing any faster. However, I have enough hair in my nose to make a blanket.

Gene Bach said...

Oh yeah, GO YANKEES!!

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...