July 4th, What it Means to the far left:
I see where a new Harvard study says July 4th is for us Right Wingers only:
Well you know, the dump is probably right...after all, Democrats and Lefties, for the most part, hate America, hate God, and worship Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Obammy the Wonder Boy....so you see, Liberals indeed don't like the 4th of July, because it stands for everything they hate and despise.

There are at least three undeniable truths: (1) Global Warming is Fake Science...(2) Abortion is Murder...and (3) Liberals Hate America and Freedom.
Getting the "Heave-Ho"...
Last night my buddy Jim, another long time veteran state tested umpire, and I had the winners bracket final of the Crestview Junior ACME tournament at Convoy. It was Jim's turn to do the plate, and we had a feeling the game might get ugly, because frankly, one team appeared far superior to the other. {I will leave names of teams off here because the tournament is still going on and both teams are still in the hunt}
Ugly turns out to be a vast understatement....18-1 was the final, in a 4 1/2 inning "run rule" game. Run Rule is when the trailing team gets 5 at bats and still trails by 10 or more runs, the game is called, and the leading team is declared the winner.
Errors, misplays, walks, etc, led to the downfall of the losing team....for some reason the coaches decided to knit pick calls they thought they didn't like. Here is a little hint: When you are down 12 or 15 runs, it's not the freaking umpires fault. When your team is getting their asses handed to them, don't nitpick the umpires. So after a few pissing sessions, the head coach comes out, lallygags around, and finally changes pitchers, with his team down 15-0, and we are only in the 3rd inning. After several warm up pitches, Jim tells coach and pitcher, "Two more warm up tosses"...the coach fires back..."He only gets six?" "No" says Jim, "While you were talking and messing around, he had the others"....A few more back and forth barbs and Jim tells him, "One more word and you are gone". So the coach makes his exit from the mound towards the dugout...and makes the mistake of turning and saying something towards Jim....I'm not sure what it was, but, it didn't matter, I didn't wait for my partner to say a word, I just wound up and gave him the heave-ho..."Coach" I say, "You Are Outta Here"...
First Junior ACME or ACME head coach I have ever tossed....now American Legion?, a dime a dozen, tossed many. High school? Never, those guys are usually smart enough not to get tossed, it costs them time, games, and money, if they get the heave-ho...I usually just set them on the bench. Why this guy choose to cross the line that had been drawn in a, at that time, a 15 run blow out is beyond me? But now with his team playing in the losers bracket final tonight(with me behind the plate) with the winner of the game getting an automatic bid to the District, he will be sitting somewhere other than the bench or ballpark. He is suspended for two games, and his team may get finished off tonight, and he won't be there to coach them, win or lose. I didn't enjoy showing him the gate, but there are times you have to do things because you are boxed into a corner. He was told not to continue to yap, and he pushed the envelope, and paid the postage due. Sorry about his luck, next time maybe he'll know better.
More Sunrise Photos~
Here are a couple more from yesterday's morning shoot....
back later>>>> have a great 4th of July all you fellow Right Wingers...screw the limp wristed lefties and other American Democracy haters...you have forfeited any respect you think you deserve.

Beautiful photos!
thank you! and thanks for stopping by...
Update: Some prude actually cut off this batch of flowers and stole the damn things....sucks what is happening to this neighborhood. Turning into White Trash Blvd.
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