Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sunrises, Football, and An American Skunk....

Getting up a bit before 6am this morning, I showered and headed out to my favorite photography spot on the southern reaches of West Bank Road....I must say the weather was pretty well perfect for an early August morning...especially considering the heat and humidity of the past weeks.  The Canada Geese were in the small boat basin, while the Mallards, Wood Ducks, and a few Cranes, were swimming and wading along the western shore of Grand Lake...no clouds in the sky were visible, although the rising sun did manage to illuminate the planet of Venus{?} in the eastern sky, just above where the sun would rise.  Over the next 20 minutes or so, I would snap 3 dozen or more photos, of varying success.  I had grabbed a large coffee at the local Docksider Marathon Station, and sipped on that, as I waited for Ol's Sol to rise above the lake....some of the results are shown on today's posting.

Football Arrives_____

My two week break from umpire and officiating comes to an end tonight as I travel north on US 127 some 55 miles to just north of the tiny berg of Sherwood....just a couple of miles out of the city limits lay the Fairview Schools....at 6pm the scrimmage season kicks off as Parkway from here in Mercer County visits.  Frankly I have done zero getting ready, either physically or mentally for the coming season...I will re-check the rule changes for the season after I finish today's blog....and get ready for the 3 hours of work tonight.  Three scrimmages this week, just one next, then the season will be here, and the following two months will see me pretty busy.  Friday night I am at Crestview, then on Saturday morning, it's back at Fairview for another Varsity Scrimmage

Sam returned home for much of the week last night...still looking for work, post Ohio State graduation, he has another interview today...this one with an insurance company near Cincinnati...when he finishes with that, he will stop at Hal and Lisa's in Centerville, and visit them and check on his nephew Kasyn, whom he hasn't seen in a few months.

Obama...The American Skunk____

I was visiting with Mom yesterday, she seemed almost back to her normal 88 year old self...for now at least...hopefully any ill effects of the week in the hospital, seem to have passed...she remains on a small amount of oxygen.  We will try to get her house ready for her return from sister Marty's.  As I was sitting there, telling her about my "bet" with youngest son Hal, about not posting political rants on facebook for a month, I happened to mention that Barack Obama reminded me of a Skunk...Black, with a streak of white, and he and his policies stink.  She just rolled her eyes. 

Then as luck or fate would have it, when I checked in on facebook before hitting the sack, on old newspaper acquaintance of mine had posted the following captioned photo on my facebook page...seemingly out of the blue:

"Damn" I sez to myself..."That is just what I had in mind"...Lyle had beat me to it...and since I can't or won't post about politics or the Kenyan Assclown on facebook for a month...it appears others will do it by Proxy...lol!

So that is my life...other than sweating my ass off yesterday, mowing both lawns, and watching the Reds lose two in a row for the first time in over a month...now it is time to wake up and smell some more coffee...

back later>>>>

Photos-A cloudless and cool(for early August) morning greeted me when I went out to take some sunrise photos....which included more than a few large gatherings of Mallards, swimming in the morning gloam.  Football, at least on the High School pre-season front, begins tonight....An Barack Obama is the American/Kenyan Skunk....everything the half breed bastard does...stinks! and is designed to weaken the nation and Republic.

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