Thursday, April 25, 2013

Watching America Crumble....

For the most part of late, I have stayed away from getting overly involved into politics on this blog.  Over the nearly six years, at least the early years, the blog was filled with politics and rantings about same.  I started in July 2007 when George Bush II was finishing up his disastrous last years of a honorable man, who caved to Islam,Wall Street, and the left, Bush slinked out of Washington DC with tail firmly tucked between legs, and turned the reins over to a Kenyan{?probably?} Born Marxist, with ties to radical 1960s America and a penchant for worshipping the gutter religion called Islam.

I ranted about Barack Obama for the first two years or so of his outlaw Administration, before realizing that the GOP/RINOs had little guts to fight him or the media, meanwhile the open flood gates of immigration were letting the lowest common denominator crash the shores of America...and no I'm not talking about the Mexicans, who for the most part, come into this country looking for jobs and "benefits"...sure the vast majority are not contributing anything to this country, except to fill the voting rolls of the Democrat Party, but they, while a nuisance, are not really bad people.  Then you have the Euro and Middle Eastern Muslim Trash that are coming to the streets, schools, and Mosques of America, and they are coming for one reason...The Destruction of the Republic as we know it!  In that vein they are the same as one Barack Obama and his Administration..their goal is to wipe out Democracy and Christianity in America......

Of late I have kept most of my political opinions on facebook and an occasional visit to Twitter...these days however it is like talking to yourself while looking in the mirror.  There is no doubt that between the courts, the school, the media, and the Liberal churches, the youth and the older freeloaders, {hooked on hedge funds, retirements, Social Security, and Obama Care} are to blind or perhaps to complacent to see or them this is the new normal...I wonder if any of them  really think the Founding Fathers would approve of what we have become?  A friend of mine
told me the other night he thought they would {approve}, after all he reasoned, The Constitution is a living, breathing, changing, work...."indeed" I said!   "I don't think that is what they had in mind".

When my GGGG-Grandfather came to this country in 1751 from Zweibrucken in Southwest Germany, I doubt that Jacob Hauswirth was looking for "benefits" and welfare...the same can be said I am sure of my Great-Grandfather Patrick Feeley when he arrived via boat from Ireland in 1860...those men, came to America looking for opportunities to succeed, and they did...not one drop of Welfare, Social Security, or Universal Health Care did they receive from the Government, via the working taxpayers of this once proud Republic.

No, the Republic as those men knew it, and where I grew up in, is doomed...there will be no recovery for the next generations...the dye has been cast, the seal broken...America as we know it, created by God Fearing Christians and men, who if they really didn't believe, at least knew the populace did, that America is will not return to the one created by the Founding Fathers, at least in my life time.  It is said, all great societies, last about 200 years...we declared our freedom some 238 years's been a great ride, but it is over. 

A Revolution, perhaps, can change all of that, but the freeloaders, the perverts that support gay marriage, along with the unfettered slaughter of the unborn, have taken over the courts, the schools, and the political seats in national and state elections, Revolution is the only way to turn the tide...and frankly I don't think the populace, even the 40% or so that agree with my views {and even most of those are not near as radical as me and my views}, have the guts or will to do what needs to be done.  Revelation, the final book in the Bible, pretty much is playing out in our very lifetimes, .and frankly, I think the future of this Republic and the world was penned long ago, whether you believe or not, by a higher power,

The ride is coming to an end...I just hope I am around to see the final battle....

Back tomorrow with a happier blog, I will go back looking at my youth "growing up in Venice, Florida"...

Later....and no need to take my post as doom and gloom...there is still time to take a stand, if you have the guts!

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