Thursday, June 11, 2009

David Letterman=American Jackass

The rain began during the 4th inning of my game in Celina on the artificial turf last night....just one large cloud that refused to move much, so we called it in the middle of the 5th. Celina lead 4-3 over New Bremen....not sure if they will continue it when they meet in Bremen next week, or just call it complete....but that's not the umpires problems, we just call them. Meanwhile Sam, 8 miles south at Maria Stein, never saw a drop, and their game was complete without problems, a Marion Local 12-4 win over Parkway.

We are scheduled to work together back in Celina tonight...but right now plenty of rain in the area, with more to come, makes that doubtful, even with a rubber rug as the infield. A busy baseball week and weekend is ahead, depending on if and when the Monsoon Season ends in western Ohio.

Dave Letterman, the Anti Jon Voight_____

Late night comic David Letterman was born in Indiana, and went to college at Ball State in Muncie, just 50 miles down the road, and across the state line from me. I never thought this left wing asshat was funny, and seldom watched his show. In recent years, he has become a political hack, and in recent months, a typical butt kisser of Barack Obama. My guess is, like equally non-funny left wing hack, Jon Stewart, Letterman has a set of Monica-Style Knee Pads in his office just in case "The One' shows up unannounced, so he can give proper service to his fake god Obama.

The Hoosier Hick reached a new low earlier this week on his Top 10 segment of "Late Night"....Being the frightened leftist he is, he felt the need to trash former VP Candidate Sarah Palin since she was recently in New York. The "10" list included calling Palin a Slut(as in Slutty look of an Airline Stewardess)...then stooping to the ultimate low of saying Palin's 14 year old daughter was caught having sex with Yankee slugger ARod. Nice going Letterman, you gap toothed pervert. This is how far this no-talent failed Muncie Weatherman has fallen...a pathetic shell of a "man", and not much of one either. Much like his younger counterpart, Jon Stewart...he is not funny, and not very smart, but he does have a few thousand left wing trolls hanging on his lines and lies.

Now of course Letterman says he wasn't making fun of Willow Palin, the 14 year old daughter, he was making fun of the 18 year old Bristol that makes a difference? So he invites Sarah Palin, who called him a 62 year old pervert(being way too kind), and her husband Todd on the show. Sarah will and should decline...her husband should go on, smack the sorry son of a bitch in the mouth, and open up another gap in his ugly mug.

David Letterman=Another Sock Puppet for Obama. This country is going to Hell in a hand basket...clowns like Letterman, lead by their Messiah, Barack Obama, are driving the bus over the edge. I say it's about time real Americans take this country back...and we better do it pretty damn soon, before it's too late. Talk is cheap, action is needed, in the streets and at the ballot box. Real America has been sitting on it's ass way too long....the tax protests need to be only the beginning.
back later>>>>


Sarge Charlie said...

He should be kicked off the public airways for his stupid sick statement.

PRH said...

Or have his ass kicked by Todd Palin, live on national TV....

Larry said...

Nope, never thought D.L. was very funny either, Pat. Perhaps time to boycott his sponsors.

Larry said...

Speaking of boycotting, see

Deborah Wilson said...

That WAS a sorry thing to say - it takes a special breed to put down someone's kids.

Late night, I always preferred Johnny Carson or the old SNL-who could not laugh at Rosanna Rosanna Danna??

And if you want to get scared, be sure to read the TVA Act in my new post. Makes you think.....

(Posting - I'm running way behind!)

PRH said...

Good Stuff Larry...and Deb, SNL 1975-1981...the only real SNL. The last 28 years since JB did himself in have been a farce.

Anonymous said...

BTW. If Letterman is 62, then that would mean his age was, during the Vietnam War as follows:
1965 - 18
1966 - 19
1967 - 20
1968 - 21
1969 - 22
1970 - 23
Was Letterman in Vietnam, or did he duck his duty like Bill Clinton and sit around a college campus smoking the devil's lettuce.

PRH said...

My guess Anon is, he was hiding at Ball State, just like Billy Boy was off in Europe trashing the country. Amazing these assclowns have a voice in the daily life of America and Americans, isn't it?

Ron Simpson said...

Notice the left has no complaints about his saying things about Palin and her family. Yet Imus said something just as bad about a group of black women and the media and the left was all over him like flies on cow turds.

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