Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sorting out the Union Fiasco in Wisconsin, Indiana, and now Ohio...

Originally they were calling for a high today of 46 with some that has been downgraded to 36 with mostly cloudy skies.  That isn't going to melt much of the fresh 6 inch snow fall from Monday night and early yesterday.  Some rain and 40 tomorrow, with another 4 inches of white stuff for Thursday overnight into Friday.  Looks like we won't see the ground for awhile...."Damn"!!!

The Public Union Mess...

I have been watching with interest, and giving my usual hard core opinions on what is going on with the Public/Teachers Unions in Wisconsin and now in Indiana and Ohio.  Seems the Democrats cannot stand the fact they are no longer in power in those states, and are cutting and running, refusing to do the peoples work.

This is what "progressives" do when they cannot win at the ballot box or in the minds of the public...cut and run, as long as the lap dog unions have their backs.

One thing I have noticed in this recent battle between good and evil.  Many folks have no clue as to what "Public Unions" are all about, especially compared to Blue Collar Unions.  Here is my take on Unions in General and Teachers/Public Unions in particular.
Unions, the Good, Bad, and Ugly.....

The Ugly: 

Lazy slobs like this clown are why unions are in the shape they are in...bastard probably has not worked a honest day in his life...for certain he hasn't missed a meal.  A Marxist down to his rotten core.

The Bad:
Yes, the public employees unions are nothing more than tools for the Marxists out to destroy the republic.

The Good:

FDR was a kook, and a bad President IMO, but even he knew that Public Employees(paid by the taxpaying working men and women of America)should not have unions, where they can bring government to a standstill:

 Last good I saw out of a union was perhaps, well I've never seen much, but perhaps back in the days of FDR and before...even FDR was against the Public Employees Unions

My experience with unions, and my personal take:

Unions, where to begin?

My first experience with unions was a couple months short of graduation from Celina High School.  I went to work at the Huffy Bicycle Plant in March 1967,  a full 3 months before graduation....the Vietnam War was on, men were in short supply, and Huffys was in full Bike production.  I worked second shift after going to classes at CHS all day.  Me and several other classmates would finish up at Huffy and then head up town to have a few cold ones at the Club Cafe(drinking age was 18 back in 1967 in Ohio), then head off to classes in the morning.  I would work at Huffy until June of 1968, when the draft came calling, so I joined the Air Force, froze my seniority at the plant and would return in June of 1972, after my discharge.  I would work for Huffys under the USW(United Steel Workers) until September 1973, when I decided factory work was not for me.  It was a good ride, the USW kept me employed, because I really was not a great worker, I liked to drink, and miss a few days(or more) per month.  However once I left, I never wanted or needed to work for a union again.

Mom worked at Huffy for 25 years....she never felt she needed a union retired and still collects a good pension...the union wasn't all bad.  Huffy meanwhile, fell off the face of the earth.  The once number one Bike Plant in America is no wasn't the unions, it was cheap foreign labor, and incompetent management.  

That is the Good....about all I can say for my experience with unions.

Public Employees Unions....totally unnecessary IMO.  Most Government and State Employees are protected by Civil Service laws.  I worked for 2 different County Health Departments, on rare occasions a union organizer would come calling...we would tell them to get lost.  We didn't need them.  We made good money, had good benefits, and sure the Hell didn't want our union dues going to corrupt Left Wing Political Hacks...20 years without union representation as a public employee.  Never needed it....public teachers and other public employees, if they are worth their salt, don't need them either.  Even the left wing icon, Franklin D. Roosevelt didn't think the taxpayers should fund them.

The wife is a teacher, was a OEA/NEA member for 20+ years...she hated their politics and what they spent her $800 per year dues on...she left the union a few years back...her fellow teachers dumped the national(NEA) and state(OEA) last year and formed their own in~house union.  They, the majority, were sick of their dues going to support bad teachers, abortion, and queer rights....because after all, that is what the NEA is all about, protecting poor teachers and supporting the radical left wing agenda.  The NEA and it's state puppets are not about good eduction for the kids.

Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio, are at the forefront of this war in support of the taxpayers and economic sanity....the battle has just begun.  

back later>>>>

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