Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder~Al Sharpton Proves the Point

As the politics gets more bitter and divisive by the day...the idiots on the left can always be counted on to say or do something that make you smile....The Poverty Pimp himself Al Sharpton is a good as it gets:

The guy is the poster child for the brain dead left, both in and out of the you can tell, things are still going slowly.....but at least my right thinking visitors can use this for a smile and/or laugh.

back later>>>>>


Sam said...

And what did I waste my time hearing from Bro Al anyway Pat ?

PRH said...

He is always good for a laugh Sam...Buffoons are good at that, and not much else. :)

Deborah Wilson said...

LOL - is he drunk?

And what is he talking about? Resist what???

Sarge Charlie said...

reverend al is way beyond stupid

PRH said...

The Guy is Certifiable....

BRUNO said...

Seriously, though(I know it's tough, but try!)---what the hell DID he, or was trying to, uh---"say"?

Hafta wonder if the man is drunk, drugged, or had a stroke?

Need to check-out his melon-head, too, just like they did that news-chick here a while-back, that displayed the same basic problem---but then again, she was white, so---???

But I think she was with an NBC-affiliate, as well?

Must be a network-secret-formula...???☺

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...