Saturday, June 9, 2012

Whot Stopped the Music?

Those who regularly stop by this site may notice that the "Music has Died"....poof it went!   The plug in Juke Box, it seems, is gone, and I'm really not sure why....they asked me to sign up with another service....but the hassle didn't seem worth loading all those songs in....SO, for now we will go musicless on the Rant.

I will be looking however, for something new to "plug in" music wise.....but for now, enjoy the silence.

After last night's double header at Coldwater, which ended about I have a Noon Time double at Celina....then tomorrow, off to Columbus for the Ohio State Sam has completed his work, and will be receiving his diploma at the Horseshoe in the capital city.

back later>>>>

Creedence Clearwater Revival, circa 1969

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