Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fumagating Fort Wayne....

I see our former impeached President will be visiting Fort Wayne, Indiana, this evening campaigning for his wife. Fort Wayne, home of my favorite pro hockey team, the Fort Wayne Komets, is located about 50 miles northwest of Celina. In addition to the Komets, Indiana's second largest city also is home to the San Diego minor league Wizards in Class A baseball in the Midwest League, whose games I usually get to a couple of times a year......it also houses one of the top Genealogy Libraries in the nation, where I did many hours of research while working on my Houseworth, Waldron, Gibson, Nungaster, Feeley, and DeVore family roots.

I will be meeting up with my friend Rick, who now lives north of Fort Wayne, at the library Thursday morning, to check out the enlarged genealogy section. We will have a look around and see what they have added that might help in any future research.

Billy boy Clinton will be there this evening, hopefully they will have fumigated the city and cleared the air by the time I arrive Thursday....only person that would cause more "air" pollution in my mind, would be Obama's "Spiritual Advisor", the ever-so-holy Rev Jeremiah Wright.

Things could change however, if we get all the predicted rain the next couple of days. As I look at the radar this morning, I see much of the rain to the south and "training" east....but still much is expected to head our way, some places up to 5 inches...we do not need that, and if it happens in too large amounts, the 3 rivers that enter Fort Wayne have been known to flood a time or 2.

Spring is just a couple of days away, and the high school baseball scrimmage games begin next week....I have my doubts whether we will get many of those in before the baseball season begins for real on March 31st....I have a full schedule, with only Sundays and rain outs as day's off between March 31st and May 15th.....after a short break(depending on tournament games) the Summer ACME and American Legion seasons will take me into the last week of July....after that I should have a pretty good handle on my back and how it has reacted, before football season begins in August. Speaking of the back, right now, I would say it's about 80%, however, I still have not spent 2 or more hours running up and down a field, or bending over behind home plate....that I am looking forward to....for better or worse.


FHB said...

Enjoy the library, and the rain. It's rainin' here too.

Buck said...

It's good to hear the back is doing well, Pat.

So... what didja get for your birthday?

Shrinky said...

Good luck with the forthcoming games Pat, but be mindful of your back, huh?

It's finally stopped raining over here, the bright yellow gorse is in full bloom all over the island. There are some compensations to living on such a wet isle.

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