Monday, March 3, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up/Primary Election Day(tomorrow)

Actually felt like March yesterday, and this long walks in both days. That however, will not last, tonight the rain is slated to change to ice/mix/snow, and it will feel more like late December and January for the remainder of the week. This mornings walk saw the wind whipping from the southwest at about 35 mph, and the clouds have rolled in, I expect it to be raining within the thing about it, our 7 or 8 inches of heavy wet snow is gone, now the only left is the grimy hard packed ice pile in the parking lots and street corners.

The ice could prove a problem for tomorrow's primary election in Ohio....not that it's that big a deal, unless you're a dumbass socialist, and can't wait to cast your vote for the two clowns running as Democrats. I'm still registered as a Republican(although I gave up on them well), and will vote...still not sure who, but it won't be Huckleberry or McCain, at least not in the primary....I think Romney is still on the ballot, and might drop my finger on that screen name. Really don't have a lot invested until November...but I don't want to hear the bullcrap about if you don't vote, you can't bitch....I will do both, vote and bitch.

The Mersman Building continues to come down, and my front porch view is never changing....from one mess to a bigger mess. I did notice on my walk though, that the yard has some specks of green....meaning the mowing season will be here before we know it.


Shrinky said...

Ah, roll on spring, huh? Winter is so depressing. I don't fully understand the American voting system, but I'm glad to hear you vote. My sixteen yr old was given the right to vote this year. It saddened me no end at the apathy he and his friends greeted this with.

PRH said...

When I was 16, I was just getting my "sense" of politics Shrinky....I didn't get a chance until to vote until I was 21(before the US changed to 18) theory is(same for drinking alcohol), if you are old enough to fight, you are old enough to vote and drink...maybe not smart enough, but you should be given the opportunity.

Buck said...

re: Spring. Slight delay in these parts... we have an inch of new snow on the ground and it's colder than the proverbial witch's mammary glands, with steady 37 mph winds, gusting to the high 40s. I won't be going far-afield today...

FHB said...

Yep. Old enough to kill folks for the govt, old enough to vote and drink. We vote tomorrow too. It'll feel good to get it done.

Anonymous said...

It's raining like the end times down here, and we have a tornado watch going. I'm glad of the rain but I could do without the wind.

It'll be interesting to see what Hillarus of Borg does if she doesn't win big in the primaries today. I doubt she'll drop out "for the good of the party"

2024 Winds Down

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