Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Invasion U.S.A./Loathing the Government

Time for some political views....I don't blast much political BS over this blog...but on occasion, I need to vent, and this morning, is one of those times.....so if you don't want a ear full of my illegal immigration rant...best just to move on today...because this post is going to be short but political.
Invasion USA....

It has been said by many patriotic folks.."I love my country, but I loathe my Government"....no more honest words to fit me have been spoken. The case of US Border Agents Ramos and Compean are prime examples of why I have felt this for many years:

Bottom line is...Agents doing their job, shoot Mexican drug runner in the ass, after he refuses to stop. US Government trumps up charges at behest of Mexican Government(and probably the Bush Administration)...information withheld from jury{jury members say they would not have convicted if they had this info}. Bush and cohorts refuse to intervene....thus these 2 guys, doing their jobs, get 10 years in Federal Prison.

The fix is in...the moderate wing of the Republican Party and big business who want cheap labor from Mexico, the entire Democrat Party(that would be American Marxist Party for those of you to freaking dim to get it), and it's lemming legion of followers are all well and fine with this. And no this isn't about race, because these two agents are also Hispanic....it's about securing our borders, and giving the Border Patrol the laws and power to do it......

Guess What? That won't happen under Bush, and it's not going to happen, no matter which nitwit, Juan McCain or Half Breed Harry Hussain gets elected come November. We are under assault from both within the Government and from outside by open immigration zealots who would love to see Islam and the Mexican Government have a hand in America's day-to-day business.

I despise our Government, I love my country.....after all the Hell I gave Ron Paul during the early campaign....I'm beginning to think he is right on about 90% of his opinions...we can't say the same for the Anti American factions of the Bush White House and radical Marxist trash like Obama and his crazy wife.
Hey GW, get your head out of your ass, and do something right, for once, Pardon these American scapegoats!
I just wonder how many of you are as sick of this crap as I am?

Enough political ranting......for now!
Agents-Ramos and Compean, 2 American Agents doing their jobs...railroaded by GW Bush and the US Government.....Stop Illegal Immigration NOW!


Mohawk Chieftain said...

Goddamned Foreigners!
I'm gonna go toast Native Americans... like my own Mohawk ancestors who were probably oppressed by my French ancestors, who got here waaay before my Irish, then Slovak ancestors. They all came over in steerage, and I still can't afford first class passage....

PRH said...

Damn Chief...another thing we have in common...French Ancestry!! (We refuse to claim them however, being of 2/5 Irish desent is big enough cross to bear).

Anonymous said...

That's one messed up story! Those border guards got the shaft. I don't understand it, frankly.

Thanks for sharing, Pat, and thanks being a regular over at my place!

Harry J said...

americaneocon, not much to understand, we the people (majority), allow the liberals (minority), to make policy and laws while we sit back and allow it. Remember the saying "The Squeeky Wheel Gets the Oil" well until we start to squeek we'll never get what we want....

Anonymous said...

I've been following that story for awhile. It just gets worse and worse.

We're eaten up here will illegal hispanics, sucking up the tax dollars, clogging the schools with non-english speakers, and raising hell in the countryside with gangs, not to mention taking every "unskilled" labor and construction job in the state.

Larry said...

Pat, I wrote to George shortly after the dastardly convictions of the two agents and my wife says she's written to him at least FIVE times. So far all that's been accomplished is that we vented before we blew a cork. There's always that last day in office, of course. George could still redeem himself and take the Bubba Train to Pardonville.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...