Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday Videos and More BS

Summer continues to move towards it's conclusion. As long as the winter was, the short summer will be gone before we know it.....fall I like, winter, I'm not ready for that crap just yet.

The American Legion District Tournament ended last night with the Lima Legion downing Sidney 10-5...Lima goes undefeated and moves on to the State Tournament next month....I will finish up my baseball season next Wednesday, July 30th, at Van Wert for the Legion District All-Star game...that will see Lima take on the best players from the other district squads.

I was visiting one the sports related sites I frequent...and one of the topics was "songs that make you feel good"....some back and forth, and the "feel good songs" ended up being are a few that were posted I like:

Louie Armstrong/What a Wonderful World

Grand Funk Railroad/I'm Your Captain

Warren Zevon/Werewolves of London

and the song from my cell phone ring tone....Lynyrd Skynyrd/Sweet Home Alabama

And on a final note....I see our "King" in waiting is now giving a grand speech in Germany, Barack Hussain Obama is being greeted as the new "Savior" of the I the only one that thinks this sonofabitch is looking more and more like the "Anti-Christ".......?????

Is this the face of where we are headed.....? A 1 World Leader in the making?

BACK LATER>>>>>>>>>>>>


Buck said...

Ah... thanks for the link to Zevon, Pat. He was one of my VERY favorites back in the day, and still is. "Werewolves" is one of only two songs (Zevon's "Carmelita" being the second) I've ever performed in public. Be GLAD you weren't there.

Ya know... I share your opinion on BHO. But it's looking like it's almost inevitable he'll be the 44th president of these United States. That scares me, of course. But Hell... we survived Carter, we'll survive BHO. I hope.

FHB said...

You've got Sweet Home Alabama on your phone? Hilarious. At least it's not some rap shit. I hear that every day at work. The other day one girls phone went off in class and it was Led Zeppelin. I had to stop for a second and head bang. Loved it. How does a Yankee get that on his phone? Growin' up in Florida?

PRH said...

Just loved LS' music, especially when they ripped the crap out of Neil Young....never did like CSN&Y and their left wing crap.

Plus, growing up in south Florida....I've always had a place for the south in my heart. Just say I like their politics. ;)

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...