Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tournament Assignments

BG and I headed to Van Wert last night for a non-league game between the home standing Cougars and Crestview...towns separated by about 5 miles and abutting school districts....gotta say it was one of the strangest games in recent memory. Close plays at first base, lost baseball in grass, BG getting hit 3 times behind the plate, balks, non balks....too many to go into detail, but we survived the 6-4 Van Wert win in less than 1 hour 45 minutes, and headed back to Celina in one piece.

Turns out BG(who like I used to, does play-by-play for basketball and football on a local Celina radio station, my old station to be exact) and I are working the Division 3 District games at Elida, and the Regional Final at the same spot....he has been umpire about twice as long as me in this stint...and in the Regional we also are working with Ron, my umpire association secretary...between us, we are 176 years old(me being the oldest at 61, Ron 60, and BG the youngest at 55)...probably one of the oldest trio groups to be working a Regional far as experiece, we have about 56 years, with me being the "rookie" with 11 years in, BG and Ron with each over 20.

In the District BG and I will work with Mark W, a Defiance Cop, who I worked with in both the Elida District and Patrick Henry Regional last year....

The only fly in this ointment is that it pushes around my trip to Michigan with Rick and Sons, and Nick, for our annual Mushroom Hunt...last year it knocked me out completly...I won't let that happen this year....right after the District Final on May 22nd, I will head north towards Mesick and Boyne Falls. I think Rick plans on leaving that will get me out of setting things up.

Ok, that does it for now, I've got a game in Ada this afternoon, against Crestview(again), this time in a NWC League contest...a meeting this afternoon, and some quick banking and shopping to get donw before I leave....

I did get both yards mowed, ours Tuesday and Wednesday I finished off Mom's that is taken care of for a few days...

Back Later>>>>
photos-my electronic contract for a Regional game/I cannot believe the regular season is almost done...the season, like time when you hit 60, flies....


Sarge Charlie said...

holy crap, 176 years old?????

PRH said...

Lots of years in age Sarge, lots of games worked, and lots of BS over the years in that crew!!!

FHB said...

Like the stogy.

BRUNO said...

When it comes to documents with personal info crossed-out, you should always scan only a COPY of the original. Resolution of todays' scanner/copiers are too clear for their/your own good, nowadays!

My local "rag"-paper learned that lesson the hard way, a short-while back, when they got in a hurry and scanned ORIGINAL court-documents, which included the names of two witnesses intended to be known ONLY to the District Judge!

Prosecuting Attorney had a beautifully-prepared embezzlement case thrown-out of court, on the technicality of the newspaper-staff's wanting to "scoop" the story FIRST, instead of taking the time to follow established protocol for such material...

PRH said...

Yea, I know BRUNO, but ya know what? F-em,' Send me to jail with LeRoy and Willie...3 hots and a cot.

I scanned the original then just did the copy's not like it's the Constitution(which Obama is using as toilet paper these days) or the Declaration of Independence, which the Muslims are wiping their stinking butts with....

It's a baseball game....:)

BRUNO said...

I know, I know---over-reacting, again!

But every time I get the chance, I try to keep the "trolls" of the internet at-bay, even if it's something as harmless as an address, or a listed phone number.

Hell, I don't even trust MYSELF with my OWN personal-info...!☺

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...