Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuning Out Politics/More Spring has Sprung

Garry and I finished off the NWC battle for first place in good fashion last night....about an hour and 45 minutes of game time as homestanding Lima Central Catholic came from behind to defeat Paulding 8-5. Down 3-0 early, LCC put a 6 spot on in the 3rd inning and takes over first place in the league with a 4-0 conference record, while the Panthers slip to 3-1.

We slipped out of the umpire gear and uniforms and headed for the Beer Barrel down the road for a few quality brews and a bite to eat....they make a good Rubin Sandwich, so I grabbed hold of one of those. We were home by 8:30. Tonight back to Van Wert for a WBL game...between the home Cougars and visiting Lima Bath....tomorrow I do a game by myself, my first Junior High Game in about 8 years...that should be interesting, a one man crew, and my strike zone....I may have to "expand" that for this level of ball, or we could be there all night. Thursday I make the 75 mile trip north to West Unity, and after the game, I will probably stay at Tom's place in Deshler...he just returned from his horse training winter in Florida, and is back in Ohio. We will likely grab a couple of beer at the local watering hole, and a quick sandwich. The weather looks like it may turn wet after that....but predictions this far in advance are usually risky, and not always accurate...time will tell.

Patricia is pretty busy with school, as it winds down for another year....5 or 6 weeks to go, so we don't see all that much of each other, baseball is my busy season, and it matches her at school, and she is busy with the mandated stuff from the State and Feds.

Speaking of school...Hal is involved in another round of interviews at an area High School, he is one of 4 left in the running for a Social Studies position....he wants to teach HS and continue working with Autistic Kids on the side, so hopefully before fall he will latch on to one of these jobs...he's been close, coming in 2nd place twice, but unlike horseshoes and grenades, close doesn't count...Good Luck Hal!

Spring Fling____

We have had enough rains to keep things green, but of late, it has been dry enough to get most of the games in(although as mentioned above, that dry weather may not last much longer). The moister in the ground and what little rain we have had of late, combined with the sunshine, is keeping the lawn green and growing, and the flowers around the house in full bloom.

The photos on today's blog are those I clicked yesterday.....in and around the back yard.

Tuning Out____

I made a planned decision to tune out the newsmakers on radio and TV for awhile. Anybody that reads this blog or knows me, does so knowing I am pretty radical and right(far right) when it comes to my political leanings and views. I respect the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and others. I watch Fox News for much of the days happenings...I tune out MSNBC, CNN, the Major Networks, and the left wing loons that toss bullshit at us from those outlets. However, I don't need the daily barrage from either side to know what I believe is true. So I have tuned out most of it....I catch the daily BS from Yahoo, Fox.Com, Drudge, and a few other Internet spots....and form my opinions from these biased sources....I don't buy what all are saying.

That is the reason I no longer choose to listen to 3 or more hours from anybody....I can pick and choose what I want to hear or watch. These days the TV remains off until evening, and the radio is tuned to either 60s music or Classic Old Time Radio on XM.....these keep the Blood Pressure down, and the anger of what the SOBs, lead by Obama and Pelosi, are doing to us(as opposed to for us) in Washington DC.

I'll probably start to listen again when events warrant...but for now, the non-stop political news, whether from Beck, Rush, Mister self important Bill O'Reilly, or the numbskulls(see Chris Matthews), gay blades(see Keith Olberman), and dykes(see Rachel MadCow), on the left, is something I have weened myself off of for the foreseeable future....and I've gotta say, it seems to be working: My Blood Pressure was down to 116/65 and pulse was 62 per minute yesterday. I am sure the 25 pounds or so I've lost since last September is the main reason, but the tuning out politics unless necessary, cannot hurt.

We will see how long that lasts.....

back later>>>>
Photos...The Lilacs and Tulips are in bloom around the yard and fence line.....I enjoy Rush, Beck, and Fox, but for the time being, I'm stepping away from listening to or watching politics every free minute...I know the left and Obama are out to destroy our way of life....and listening to people that agree with my views 24/7, does not accomplish the goal to vote or throw them the Hell out of office.


GeronL said...

I don't blame you for tuning out the politics for a while. I hang out at Free Republic and ConservativeCave a lot and it does get tiresome.

So I post fiction on my lonely Liberty Fiction site. libertyfic.proboards.com Sure there is a tad politics involved I guess.

Jerry in Texas said...

I would suggest cutting off the cable altogether. I did 5 years ago, and never looked back. If there's an HBO series you like, it will be available after the season ends, on DVD (much cheaper than a year of cable).

I do spend a lot of time on the internet though, but at least it is interactive, not one way.

Glad your BP and genral health are doing well.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...