Monday, November 5, 2012

Election 2012 {one day out}

The advertisements, the lame commercials, the Robo Calls, the lies from those running for office, and especially the cover ups and one sided, in the tank for Obammy, Media coverage, is about over...Maybe!

By all accounts, the Presidential Race is a Dead Heat....I suspect that Romney leads, but frankly even with the bias in most polls, Rasmussen, usually the most accurate has it a close, even with the enthusiasm gap in favor of Mitt Romney, Scott Rasmussen has it 49-48% for Mitt:

My prediction?   Romney wins 51% of the vote and 293 Electoral Votes, with 270 needed to win.....however, don't bet the farm on it.  This is likely going to be close and Obammy and Company, along with their Chicago Cronies, will do anything and everything to steal this election.

So all we can do now is wait, and hope that this doesn't end up in the courts...frankly I want a clean election, even if Obammy wins 2008 there was no doubt the Kenyan bastards child won, and despite me despising him as much as I did Clinton or Carter, I would rather have it over and done come Wednesday morning....with the GOP sure to maintain the House and at least 47 or 48 Senate seats, there will be gridlock, and that is a good thing, especially if Obama remains in office.  Let's hope for the best however, and a easy or at least a solid Romney victory.

Make no mistake Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan....more like a George Bush one...but the alternative is so evil and corrupt, that Mitt, for all his liberal ways, is a must win for America, at least for the Republic to be maintained....a second Obama Administration{which he will likely try to turn into a third and forth} will see the end of America as we know it.....if that happens, load up you guns and ammo and head to the hills...all Hell will break loose, and they will be coming after our freedoms and guns.

Other things in this  Mundane Life.....

I was up early this morning, checked my Blood Pressure, and it was up, of course it was, I had a doctor's appointment, and it always goes up 30 or 40 points on the high end.  Just before heading out to the Nitro and off to Minster the reading was 159/82 with a pulse rate of 60....yesterday afternoon it was 116/72 with a pulse of 55, which is closer to "normal"...over the last 10 days I have been averaging 115-125 over 65-74, which by all accounts is pretty good, especially for someone my age....I think I convinced the doc, only my second visit with him, that the dreaded "White Coat Syndrome" does indeed affect me, and he agreed, keeping me on the same med dose, that in itself was enough to take down the BP.

My post football foot injury is now just past 4 weeks down with less than 3 weeks to go before basketball season...right now it appears on schedule to return, although it is not 100% by any means.  Lucky my schedule is pretty light the first couple of weeks, so if I don't do anything to risky or stupid, I may survive until the Christmas break and re-evaluate my status...the bottom line is, I want to be ready for Baseball season, basketball, frankly, is the least of my three officiating sports and the one I will likely give up first.

The weekend was cool, and damp .... in between watching some boring football, The Buckeyes won easily, the Bengals choked late to lose their 4th straight, and the high school playoffs began, with all of the local teams involved winning, except for WBL Elida, the MAC and WBL went 7-1 overall and the seven are likely to continue the winning next week in round two.

Otherwise my agenda discovered finding a new brew, actually a Steiner Holiday Ale brewed at that middle sized brewery in Texas...."Holiday Cheer" is the name and with a moderate alcohol content, at 5.4%, it is a fruity/nutty brew that goes down easy.

Tonight back to Dartball, when we play our first home games....we stand at 2 wins 1 loss after last weeks opening games, and personally I am hitting .429 with 3 RBIs, leading the team in both....tonight we take on Rockford, who has been tough on us the past few years.

Back Later>>>>>go out and vote, unless you are support Obama and the Left, then do the world a favor, and stay the Hell home!

Photos-Romney or the Kenyan, hopefully by early in the evening Tuesday the trend will be for Mitt, otherwise the Kenyan Narcissistic SOB will more "Forward" in his plans to destroy the Republic.  Some of the entertainment this weekend included the back yard Squirrels feeding off the sparse supply of Monmouth Sunflowers that I managed to grow....not sure why they need to eat upside down, but what the Hell? It works for them....and Shiner Cheer{Holiday Ale} is in stock for the season...not bad.

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