Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012....The Wait is {Almost} Over?

OK....I, and the rest of the family have already voted, Sam, me, Patricia, and Anissa, here in Celina, and Hal down at his home in the Centerville/Dayton area...our five votes for Mitt and Paul are in the books, and a good percentage of Ohio voters cast their ballots early.  However, many more still had not voted early, and as I drove towards the polling place across town on Celina's east side that became perfectly clear....the polling place at the old shopping mall, which now houses the Galleria and several small stores, a Snap Fitness Center, is now the home for all the precincts in the city to cast their ballots on election day.  The place at 10:30, or at least the parking lot, was packed....it appears, at least in our little corner of Ohio, that the turnout will be "heavy" for lack of a better word. 

I suspect the Romney/Ryan ticket will command at least 80% of the votes in Celina , Mercer County, and the surrounding counties as well.  After all, we are mostly white, mostly Christian, mostly Pro-Life, and mostly we still have the naive idea that America is still a pretty good place to live....and if we can toss the Marxist son of a bitch, who currently sits in the White House, out, we will be a better place for us, our kids, and futture generations.

So Tuesday Election Day has come...we may or may not know the results by Midnight...if it's as close as most predict, we could be in for a long round of recounts and  lines of lawyers...let's hope not.  So I'm not going to leave you with the tired old..."I don't care who you vote for, just get out and vote"....my thoughts run this way:

"If you love this Republic and want to help save it, get out and vote, if you think that Kenyan Skunk is a nice guy, stay the Hell home"!

back later>>>

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