Thursday, November 1, 2012

After the Storm....

The sun is shining, finally, after a bout of "Sandy" over the past few days, which brought rain, colder temperatures, wind, and a bit of snow....looking ahead the extended forecast doesn't look all that good, nothing major as far as storms, but the temperatures will be cool for the next 10 days or so, and below normal for the early November period.

Nearly 4 weeks out from my foot injury on that rainy night on a Paulding football field, my ankle and left foot are still somewhat swollen and not anywhere near back to normal...but now just over three weeks away from my first basketball game, I believe it's coming along well enough to make my opening game at Ottawa on November 24th...but the next couple of weeks will decide that for sure, one way or the other.

With the election just five days away the results come next Tuesday evening are still very much up in the air...although Mitt Romney has taken a small lead anything can happen, and with the main stream media totally in the tank for Barack Obama, they will do anything they can to get their Kenyan Messiah re-elected...the son of a bitch might be a Marxist, with no college records and no live Birth Certificate, but he is their Marxist, and like the media and academia, out to destroy this Republic...sadly nearly have the voting public is as stupid or gullible enough to buy what the Kenyan Snake Oil Salesman is peddling. 

I've said on many occasions that politics is a filthy rotten game, and one that splits up families and friends....this election of 2012 is the worst I've seen and Democrats in general and Liberals in particular are the ones driving the nation apart....all led by a half witted gay bath house queen from Chicago{or Kenya}by the name of Barry Soetoro, aka: Barack Obama.  Hopefully Tuesday will bring the end to his reign, but whether Mitt Romney is elected or Obama remains in office, this nation will remain divided and on the verge of Civil War...thanks to the left and their lap dogs in the main stream media.

It's now going on five months since oldest son Sam graduated from The Ohio State University, and even with a Bachelor of Science degree in Actuarial Science, a highly prized degree, he has struggled on the job front, despite working his way though OSU and finishing up in four years with a better than 3.0 average...the Obama job market remains tight, but Sam has maintained his job with OSU.Com and the Big Ten Network and continues to officiate three high school sports. 

However it now appears things might be breaking Sam's way..........

He is currently in Texas, interviewing for a major Actuarial job with one of the nation's largest insurance companies....meanwhile while he interviews with them, he received an offer from another company in Columbus for an underwriting position.  Underwriting isn't being an Actuary, and the pay isn't as great, but it does give him a fall back if appears however than Texas might well be in his future....either way it seems that things are looking up for him, and we are thankful for that.  He also has several other opportunities in the future, but right now the Texas job looks best for what he would like to do in the near future.

So that is the way November begins....hopefully in the next week, Obama will be defeated and Sam will have his new job lined up.....

back later>>>>

Photos-top Grandson Kasyn and me, with the "K-man" decked out in his Halloween Monster outfit, and Sam and me back in June at his OSU Graduation, hopefully the years spent at Ohio State are about to pay off with a job with a major insurance company.

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