Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kicking Back

Today? Really not doing much, started doing more work on my other blog concerning My Houseworth Family History:

Will finish up the work required to put out the Murder in Waldo installment, and it's final result of the lives of the two men great-great uncle, and his brother-in-law. I should have that story completed and posted by the end of the weekend, or early next week at the latest.

Sam got a RV run to Las Vegas....making me a little jealous, I always favor those runs...but still don't feel the need to travel that far in the winter, since I'd have to grab a plane back ASAP...why go to Vegas, if you can't stay at least one day and night and hit the casinos? So I will wait until I'm sure my back can handle it, and then give it a go.

Sam's car sits in Nappanee, so I will drive him the 120 miles(each way) drop him off, he will pick up his car and head for Elkhart, where this RV is located...and he will head west from there.

Patricia and I will go out for supper tonight, nothing fancy, but a chance to get out....once she is done at school, and with her workout.
One thing I did accomplish today(shows you how slow a day it has been)......shave my goatee for the first time in a couple of years. With the exception of 2 times since I got out of the Air Force, I have always had facial hair...I was "bare" in late 1981 when Sam was born, and then tried it again for a few weeks a couple of Christmases ago....for the past 10 years, most of the time I have worn a goatee....along with the ever present mustache....but as you can see from the posted photo....the "T" is gone....will it return? Only time will tell.

{photo}-Me a few minutes ago, butt parked in front of the computer, minus the goatee, working on the genealogy stuff.... now it's time to let Reagan out back to chase the squirrels....and for me to take a load of trash out to the garage.


Buck said...

Dang...I'm going the other way, of late. Meaning: I'm letting the "full set" grow out to unusual lengths, as opposed to the usually closely trimmed beard. But I've done the same as you over the years. Pat. Whereas beards come and go, the mustache always remains.

Anonymous said...

Looks like life is treating you well. I've had a beard so long I don't know what I'd look like without it. I sure wouldn't fit in up here and my face would freeze! I don't know, though. You look younger, wonder if it would work for me!

BRUNO said...

Hard one to call, but I prefer the 'stache ONLY look on you---it DOES seem to "young-you-up" a little! But the full-face kinda makes you more "authoritarian", if you will!

I tried a beard once. But it didn't fit in too well with my job then---I kept catchin' it on fire! A major distraction while at work, indeed...!

FHB said...

Woa, full frontal! Yea, I kinda like the new look. I've found that when I shaved the beard it drove me crazy till I grew it back. When I was used to not having one I had to go for a good while before it felt natural. Started to grow one a few times only to shave it off because it was drivin' me nuts.

When I shave it off everyone says it takes 20 years off me (loosin' all that grey). But hell, I'm 47. I don't want to look 27 and have to stand in front of a room fulkl of people and have them think I'm some kid. When I'm 67, lookin' 47 will be a nice Idea.

Denise never went for guys with facial hair before me. Now when I talk about maybe shavin' it off or trimmin' it to a goatee, she tells me not to. She's used to the feel of it on her skin.

She just got off work (7:30 PM)and is headed over here to get me and we're goin' to Ryan's, a local dinner buffet place. Like Luby's. You guys take care. said...

Every time I shave mine I feel like I have no chin...just a little old thing back up under my lower lip! Kind of insignificant, like it couldn't take a punch from a 5 year old!

Do you feel that way?

PRH said...

Interesting comments far as the chin Mushy...mine has a nice little scar, which at one time held 32 stitches from my first Motorcycle wreck, back in 75....the scar kind of words around the front chin area...makes it a little fat looking.

My wife asked if it was tender?...not this time, since I took it off in layers...trimmed it with a beard buster yesterday, then used the razor while showering this AM...

Bottom line is, I like the "T" but Hell, I'm 59 in March...I only want to look! When it turns completly gray, maybe I'll grow it back...maybe sooner.

Cookie..... said...

Pat...some guys look good in a beard....Like me...see my pic in one of my earlier posts... ;-) and some don't. IMHO...ya look better with just the cookie duster...

BTW...regarding that desk behind ya. In "Stickley's" early years they manufactured "school teachers, and Office desks", and today they are quite in demand. I have one. Check inside the desk or under the drawers for a Stickley label...that could be one of them...

Buck said...

Hmmm. This "makes ya look old" stuff is fairly common, eh? I'm with FHB... as in "I AM old. And proud to have made it this far, too." Gray doesn't bother me at all.

Besides that, "gray" puts folks on warning. I'm speaking of that "old age and treachery beats youth and exuberance every time" thing...


Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...