Saturday, January 19, 2008

One Sunrise

Several of the blogs I read on a regular basis post photos of sunsets and sunrises...I done many sunset photos, especially at Venice Beach(Florida) and sunsets and a few rises on Grand Lake. I've got quite a few posted at various places on this blog and elsewhere....Buck in New Mexico has put up many nice sunrises on his blog:

and David from down under has done the same:

Back to my One Sunrise story...this morning I woke up at the lazy hour of 8AM...Anissa and Patricia were already up...Ness is a chronic early riser, and unfortunately my wife usually gets up when she gets up....unfortunate for Patricia that is.....when I awoke I took a look out our bedroom window situated some 30 feet off the ground looking south...I saw the sun coming up over the Grand Lake area of the city(not viewable from our house) I ran down stairs and proceeded to take photos with my Sony FD90...both the 90 and the 88 are from the original series and take photo using floppy disks....I own both, and each is useful in just about any situation...the FD90 has great zoom and was useful this morning.

I took about a dozen shots from various locations in the upstairs portion of the house.....some looking southeast, some east, and even some north and are the results and descriptions below.
{Photos} Top Left looking to the east across the debris pile at the Mersman Demo Site...looking towards the Immaculate Conception Church as the sun lightens the scene. Top Right, looking south out my upstairs bedroom window....the next two are from the same spot, I especially like the one where the sun is "bursting" into the sky. The next one was taken through the winter stained window and screen of our upstairs bath, looking east. Next is the I.C Catholic Church, located about a half mile from the house, I zoomed to catch the sun hitting the glass stained windows...and finally the first one I took as the sun crept across the horizon.


david mcmahon said...

Great shots, Pat. Love the shot of the sun on the stained-glass windows.

Buck said...

I zoomed to catch the sun hitting the glass stained windows...

That one was my fave, too! Thanks for the link, Pat...much appreciated!

FHB said...

Yea, great pictures. There's always been something magical about a sunset, or a sunrise. How many painters have gone there throughout the ages? Something primal I guess.

Merry Christmas 2024 and Happy Enjoyable 2025

  Things are looking up...The Demented Fool is about to leave OUR White House, and looking at the Miserable SOB, it appears he will be takin...